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Release Dates

11/14/06 Ubisoft
01/11/07 MTO
11/08/06 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 21
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (18)

1 n/a 9,772 n/a 1,724 11,496
2 n/a 6,494 n/a 1,146 7,640
3 n/a 5,339 n/a 942 6,281
4 n/a 6,144 n/a 1,084 7,228
5 n/a 8,311 n/a 1,467 9,778
6 n/a 2,657 n/a 469 3,126
7 n/a 2,555 n/a 451 3,006
8 7,023 2,406 n/a 524 9,953
9 3,390 2,345 n/a 475 6,210
10 2,431 2,284 n/a 454 5,169
fmjasinski posted 28/12/2012, 12:59
Sales need to be fixed. Like atma998 said the numbers are sitting at 982k and Other numbers (including at that time Europe numbers) was not being track for a long time. So, it`s possible that this game is a million seller.
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atma998 posted 10/06/2011, 11:18
Sitting at 982k and will probably stay there...
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atma998 posted 21/05/2010, 11:07
Why others sales not counted anymore? This game might have reach a million...
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pastro243 posted 20/06/2009, 04:59
I remember when a friend said he bouth Gran Turismo for the wii that had more than 80 cars!!! he felt like a winner so I didnt say anything.
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KingHenry posted 07/06/2009, 08:00
Wii wheel feels so much better than the ubisoft wheel, thank god. I'm surprised this garbage game sold .91 million units. I know most of these sales came from parents that are looking for a cheap pick up that they THINK their children would like, WRONG. Seriously, if you love your children, DO NOT buy this game for them.
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Daileon posted 24/05/2009, 07:28
It will be adjusted down if it reaches 1 mil, just like the other games.
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