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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen

ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面


Nintendo EAD



Other Versions

VC, WiiU

Release Dates

10/25/00 Nintendo
04/27/00 Nintendo
11/17/00 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 754
Favorite: 93
Tracked: 7
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

3,360,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2003

Opinion (82)

TheDelBel posted 16/11/2019, 04:47
One of my favorite Zelda games.
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Azhraell posted 17/08/2015, 02:47
Also, kind of sad it didn't sell better, definitely deserved at the very lest 5M lifetime
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Azhraell posted 17/08/2015, 02:45
This game was amazing. I recall that as a kid I couldn't play it because a lot of stuff scared me unlike Ocarina (8 years old or so), never finished the game because of that but I'm glad I did it when I was approximately 13. Hopefully I can pick up the remake on 3ds soon
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Ryng posted 15/03/2015, 02:30
My favourite Zelda game's. :D
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ExplodingBlock posted 10/11/2014, 04:55
Crap villager picked this up just days before the remake confirmed!
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ExplodingBlock posted 05/11/2014, 05:55
Villager recently picked this up much fun!
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