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Review Scores



Alternative Names

42 All-Time Classics

Wi-Fi Taiou: Sekai Daredemo no Asobi Taizen






Other Versions


Release Dates

10/09/06 Nintendo
04/19/07 Nintendo
09/29/06 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 101
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

2,570,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (13)

dara5000 posted 27/04/2009, 01:55
amazing value and addicted to playing rummy online! but could never work out how to play that japanese card game with all the illustrated cards...
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johnlucas posted 19/01/2009, 10:58
I play this game like it's going out of style sometimes. And boy do I get put in my place playing on the Wi-Fi Connection! This game is worth every bit the $20 I paid for it. Probably even more.
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P0kemonMast3r posted 19/12/2008, 07:22
Very good Game :D, very underatted and deserves too be Bought !
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supermario128 posted 28/09/2008, 07:31
This is a great game for $20, if you don't already have it then go out and buy it.
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RDBRaptor posted 29/08/2008, 07:42

Yeah, I've played it, it's pretty fun. A good game to sit down with friends with and just play together if you don't have dominos or cards lying around.
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Strategyking92 posted 27/05/2008, 12:02
I remember seeing this when it first came out and thought "boy, this will bomb" I was wrong. If it's good though, it deserves it.

(is it?)
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