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Review Scores



Alternative Names

ニーア オートマタ





Other Versions

All, PC

Release Dates

03/07/17 Square Enix
02/23/17 Square Enix
03/10/17 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 45
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

2,600,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2019

Opinion (35)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 05:09
No increase for the last 3 years.

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Sietjie posted 28/01/2019, 08:32
29 December 2018 - 1.71M
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sabby_e17 posted 10/06/2018, 12:45
This is the best game ever made. It's better than The Witcher 3, Persona 5, and The Last of Us. I'm yet to play God of War but I would be very surprised if it manages to surpass this masterpiece.

Yoko Taro, Platinum Games, and the melancholic music of Keiichi Okabe is the best collaboration to have ever taken place.
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Mentore posted 06/06/2018, 06:39
Yoko Taro is really the gaming god we deserve.
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Keybladewielder posted 02/02/2018, 02:06
One of the most memorable games I have ever played, with my favorite story in any video game. I'm really glad it sold greatly, it deserves even more.
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Rob5VGC posted 14/12/2017, 07:49
1 million!
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