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Alternative Names

モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン ビギナー|





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Release Dates

(Add Date)
06/24/10 Capcom
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Owners: 0
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Shipping Total

123,190 Units
As of: October 31st, 2021

Opinion (5)

thewastedyouth posted 27/01/2013, 07:55
they should have released this in America, damn why did Microsoft not push it!!!
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T.Rexington posted 25/03/2012, 06:46
I think it's even odder that Capcom made this and probably won't ever bother to bring it to the West, let alone the US. If Tri's numbers are anything to go by, they actually stand to make more money in the US than with the 360 Japanese audience alone or at least match it. I think it's time MS talked to Capcom about bringing this to the US when the market for AAA exclusives on all consoles are pretty barren at the moment.
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-girgosz- posted 30/06/2011, 07:12
Can't believe they made this Game for the 360 instead of PS3. BAAAAAAD decisio.
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hellraider posted 28/04/2010, 04:17
If this gets localized eventually i will be a really happy panda :)
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piggychan posted 27/03/2010, 04:15
oooo purrweasssssse release this in the West Capcom!!
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