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Alternative Names



Intelligent Systems



Release Dates

04/09/07 Nintendo
04/19/07 Nintendo
09/14/07 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 1,535
Favorite: 33
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

4,230,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (72)

killeryoshis posted 15/04/2018, 07:00
I didn't really like this game all that much. However if I knew what paper mario games will come out later. I would have begged to keep this game way.
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AName81 posted 02/04/2017, 02:14
Is Retarded and maybe havent played the Game
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goldmario79 posted 10/12/2016, 01:42
Nintendo- instead of peddling this poor shitty game as a paper mario franchise, how about doing a correct, professionally done game that had all of the great elements of Thousand Year Door and N64 game. This pile of garbage isnt even good enough to be used as a drink coaster.
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goldmario79 posted 10/12/2016, 01:40
Worst game on the Wii hands down. They had several great ideas here they never ran with. Plus the horrid wretched stage designs were atrocious. If it wasnt for such a moving sad storyline everyone could get into,,.. this game would have tanked like Color Splash is right now for Wii U.
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homer posted 20/06/2012, 06:55
Bst game on the wii hands down. Truly a moving experience. Who would have thought that a mario game could be so deep.
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MattyPeq posted 15/03/2012, 07:27
I love this game so much. It's perfect!
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