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Review Scores



Alternative Names



Nintendo EAD



Other Versions


Release Dates

08/13/91 Nintendo
11/21/90 Nintendo
04/11/92 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 853
Favorite: 101
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

20,610,000 Units

Opinion (59)

spurgeonryan posted 11/08/2024, 04:22
Had to have the secrets book when I was a kid, just had to have it. So many memories!
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/10/2019, 06:52
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AZWification posted 02/07/2013, 09:20
A MASTERPIECE. Best 2D game ever created. The amount of secrets you can discover is just amazing. A masterpiece.
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acdcste posted 06/12/2012, 01:37
In my personal opinion, this, along with final fantasy 7 are the two finest games ever made.
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S.Peelman posted 12/08/2012, 03:15
Actually find this one of the lesser 2D Mario's. Okay, it's legacy is undebatable, but I found Yoshi's Island to be way superior in every way.
Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3 are also better. Even New Super Mario Bros. has given me more fun. But I'm more a 3D Mario guy anyway.
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Hibern81 posted 23/06/2012, 07:53
I remember the first time I played this one! The graphics blew me away!
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