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Alternative Names



4J Studios



Other Versions

GB, N64, Series

Release Dates

03/17/10 Microsoft Game Studios
03/17/10 Microsoft Game Studios
03/17/10 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 71
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Opinion (6)

SHMUPGurus posted 22/03/2010, 04:13
This game was excellent and it's still good now. Love the 4-player split-screen and bots!
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MonstaMack posted 18/03/2010, 03:54
It has 8 players online you can do 4v4 teams or 2v2 or 4 player FFA or 8 player FFA.

Keep in mind this is a enhanced version of Perfect Dark. A lot of things have aged - the controls are not as tight as say current gen FPS, but the auto aim will easily give you the chance to rack up kills like in Call of Duty. The graphics and sound are obviously classic.

Tho for 800 pts this is a bargain. I'd say not getting it is a crime against the FPS genre.
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Nightwish224 posted 27/12/2009, 02:58
I want this right now!
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DivinityFire posted 20/12/2009, 04:14
I wish Microsoft would just give a date instead of messing around. They said Q4 this year, and we haven't got like any info besides that.
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dsister44 posted 07/08/2009, 06:02
Right now the multiplayer has not been announced
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Chrizum posted 07/08/2009, 02:49
I heard this is only 4-player online, can anyone confirm this?
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