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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Ousama Monogatari



Cing Inc. / Town Factory



Other Versions


Release Dates

07/21/09 Xseed Games
09/03/09 Marvelous Interactive
04/24/09 Rising Star

Community Stats

Owners: 288
Favorite: 20
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 19

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

130,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2009

Opinion (260)

Gammalad posted 26/08/2014, 08:34
Probably in my top 5 favorite Wii games. I hope Marvelous AQL does something with this IP one day.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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ROFLMAO posted 01/07/2012, 04:41
Very reminiscent of my favourite game, Pikmin, with a mixture of other fantastic things in there too. It is one of the best original games on Wii, very sad that it didn't get more sales.
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RedInker posted 09/05/2012, 02:55
An amazing game. I'm replaying it for the first time since it's release and it is filling me with joy again like it did on my first play through. Shame it's sales didn't reach the numbers it deserved.
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kingofbubba posted 30/06/2011, 05:46
It was pretty good. There were a few things that I wish were done differently, but over all it was fun and worth the playthrough
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Fededx posted 22/05/2011, 05:50
Well it seems it's still selling. I have to buy a copy!
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