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Istanbul Beyleri Main Scenario

23rd Dec 2009 | 1,678 views 


User Score

Presentation - 7.0
Gameplay - 7.0
Value - 6.0

Dehliz Company, which is a secret biological research and a governmental institution, organizes a special fighting tournament. In the tournament the award is neither money nor a monetary income.
The participants of the tournament gain the opportunity to work in the company and authorities and positions according to their degrees in the tournament.
But in fact, the objective of the company is to find persons who escaped from the company because of their dark backgrounds. Therefore only awards for these people are declared. There are some precautions to prevent other persons to participate in the tournament. Such as, the participants are not declaring their real names and known nick names.
12 persons decide to take place in this tournament from different provinces of Turkey.

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