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Raven Software



Other Versions

PS3, Series, X360

Release Dates

08/18/09 Activision
(Add Date)
08/21/09 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 26
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 3
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Avg Community Rating:



User Score

Presentation - 9.0
Gameplay - 7.5
Value - 8.0
Stunningly beautiful graphics and a refreshing single player experience bring the Wolfenstein series to life, but fails to offer a memorable multiplayer experience.

When iD Software introduced Wolfenstein 3D in 1992 they essentially founded the World War 2 FPS genre and by that the games following it continued to build upon its success adding new features and improving the engine as they go along.

Wolfenstein was a joint project between iD Software and Raven Software. It was developed as iD's attempt at reviving the franchise favorite and they didn't miss the mark by much.  The single player campaign offers a breath of fresh air to the series, but the multiplayer lacks greatly in offering anything to the table. However they have shown that iD Tech 4 can still be a beautiful engine although nearly 3 years old.

The story brings back series protagonist, B.J. Blazkowicz, who again must take on the Nazi regime in a showdown that will determine the fate of the entire world.  During his attack on a Nazi warship Blazkowicz finds a mysterious medallion that he later finds to be a artifact powered by Black Sun energy. The Nazis were planning to use this energy to overpower the governments of the world and continue their attempt in world domination.

The campaign felt short but it did not fail to bring back that classic feel of the previous Wolfenstein games.  The mysterious environment and the need to find hidden treasure always brings back memories of the original Wolfenstein 3D.

Multiplayer can be fun yet reptitive which does not give it much room to compete with the current FPS juggernauts such as Modern Warfare. It does build on the success of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the incredibly popular free alternative, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Although $50 the game proves to be well worth the price and has potential to grow a fine fanbase which will offer unique online experiences.


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (4)

1 n/a n/a 161 40 201
2 n/a n/a 356 120 476
3 n/a n/a 294 100 394
4 n/a n/a 461 157 618
5 n/a n/a 496 168 664
6 n/a n/a 403 137 540
7 n/a n/a 512 174 686
8 n/a n/a 626 213 839
9 n/a n/a 815 276 1,091
10 n/a n/a 956 325 1,281
_mevildan posted 01/09/2009, 08:37
Campaign was good. MP not so much. ID Tech 4 upgrades made graphics pretty decent in the end. For me, a 7.5/10
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Katakis08 posted 30/08/2009, 01:20
great campaign, stunning graphics, much more story elements than the first part.
but: the multiplayer part is totally messed up. but MP hasn't be developed by Raven.
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Slimebeast posted 22/08/2009, 12:53
I'm 7% complete so far. I'm loving it. And I almost can't wait to go online.
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_mevildan posted 21/08/2009, 09:11
About 25% complete according to game save.
Way better than I expected so far.
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