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Release Dates

12/01/89 Acclaim Entertainment
09/30/88 Pack-In-Video
07/27/90 Acclaim Entertainment

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25th May 2009 | 1,685 views 


User Score

Presentation - 5.0
Gameplay - 3.0
Value - 2.0
Knight Rider & the Nintendo Entertainment System. Two very popular entities of the 1980's. Putting them together should on paper be a match made in heaven, unfortunately it was a marriage made in hel

Knight Rider on the NES was the second Knight Rider game. Surprising given that the show actually finished in 1986. Now you may think that given the subject material, the deveolper, the console its on and the fact it borrows heavily from the fun Rad Racer would mean a good game, but no, oh no. It has plenty wrong with it so lets get started. To begin with the controls are terribly unresponsive. Not to the point of unplayability but certainly they become a major frustration. Rather than use 'A' for gas they used up on the d-pad. This make steering very difficult which means avoiding things becomes nigh on impossible. The general lag in the controls doing what they have been told means you'll often be missing your targets or failing to get out the way. Another problem is the sound. Its not ear bleedingly bad but it adds nothing to the game and will make you go for the mute button on your tv remote. It just doesn't sound like anything from the tv show itself. As for the graphics they were okay. Given the time it was out and console it was on there's nothing really to complain about. Things in general look they were supposed to, its bright and colourful and the dashboard actually looks like KITT's. The other vehicles on the road are on the generic side though and your weapons don't have very special effects. The backgrounds are nice, particulary the salt lake level. There's nothing else thats really good in the game and I could go on about other problems such as painfully slow scrolling text or imbalanced difficulty but really that would be flogging a dead horse. So basically if your a fan of old NES games (no matter how bad) or your a huge Knight Rider fan then it's worth checking out but otherwise this is one Knight Rider game best avoided.

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Opinion (1)

DSLover posted 19/10/2008, 11:36
A decent attempt at a KR game but very flawed.
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