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Blizzard Entertainment



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11/13/08 Blizzard Entertainment
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11/13/08 Blizzard Entertainment

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The King of the MMORPG has returned!

11th Apr 2009 | 1,741 views 


User Score

Presentation - 9.0
Gameplay - 9.5
Value - 9.0
Can Blizzard ever do something wrong? Are the many millions of players ever to be away from the world of Warcraft?

Blizzard is in any case to be safe than sorry, and again delivered a strong expansion.

Do you still have not put foot in Azeroth, I can be very briefly: the content of the original WoW, in combination with the content of The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, is unmatched. If you come aboard, you are in for a long time with the best, largest and most amazing MMORPG ever made.

But what does Wrath of the Lich King offer the current inhabitants of Azeroth? Not only a brand new class and occupation, and a huge continent to explore but the philosophy behind the gameplay has changed.
In The Burning Crusade, the main difference with the original game that the amount of stamina of the players grew more than the attack power, making fights last longer and not being killed in two to three seconds by an opponent.
The current balance of stamina and damage remains, but in PvP is an important element swept of the table. The Random Number Generation with certain skills ensures a long time for frustration among many players.
Thus it was possible, for example, a success linked to a fixed rate to build up to a certain attack to resist. There is no skill involved, that is pure probabilities.
All percentages indicate how likely is a particular kind of attack to avoid or resist change in rates by the duration of the negative effects of the attack in question shortening. Were you previously a 15% chance to resist movement restricting spell, now take all restraining spells 15% less time. And legendary stumbling blocks as the Warriors and Rogues chance to opponent three seconds stunnen with a Mace attack has been fully removed.

Balance Disturbance
Blizzard also wants that the ways in which points in the talent trees divides the player less in a permanent role. Obviously, the existing nine classes a number of new skills during their journey to level 80, and especially in the talent trees are a lot of innovations to be found.
Obviously this disturbs the balance created between the classes. Classes who were top of the food chain in TBC to now suddenly lose against classes that they previously easily slaughtered.
Of course Blizzard will release patches that fix these problems, but to be honest, the addition of new talents and skills creates a fresh wind that WoW could well use.

There awaits the old heroes a go adventure in Northrend. The area is larger than Outland and the journey from level 70 to 80 will take slightly longer than the journey of 60 to 70 did.
At level 77 you can do a quest that gives you cold weather flying, so you can take off with your mount.
Besides the large quantity of new quests in Northrend, also a new instance in the Caverns of Time is added with will lead to the old Stratholm. And the magical city of Dalaran, has taken the role of Shattrath where you trade and form groups.
Also significant is the Inscriptions profession. Each class can use three Major and three Minor glyphs made out of the Inscriptions profession, for adding new effects to existing techniques.

Death Knight
Outland addition was the arrival of the Blood Elf and Draenei races typical for The Burning Crusade. And it is clear that in Wrath of the Litch King alongside Northrend the Death Knight will steal the show. Blizzard calls it a Hero Class, but the Death Knight is actually on equal footing with the other classes. You start a Death Knight on level 55, provided that you already in possession of a level 55 character. The playing style of the Death Knight shall not disappoint. You use your collection Runes for special attacks, which you then get more Runic Power, which for a whole different set of skills can be used. This combination provides deep and immersive gameplay, which in each case has also ensured that I will create a dead knight in WotLK. 

Get it if  ...
- You play World of Warcraft. Simple.
- You're looking pastime for at least a year.
- You like cold and happy icy areas.

WotLK gives us in addition to the mandatory new skills and talents, and a huge new continent filled with quests and magical areas, including a brand new professional and the first long-awaited new class since the release of WoW.

Shipping Total

4,000,000 Units
As of: December 23rd, 2008

Opinion (10)

Smeags posted 31/08/2011, 04:38
Wait wait wait. They killed Arthas in this game? It sucks that I'm not going to know anything in the WarCraft universe by the time WarCraft IV comes out...
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SSurTails posted 01/03/2010, 12:52
Don't buy this game if you still want to have a life...
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Shinlock posted 08/03/2009, 10:05
I brought this from blizzard's store.

raced to 80 then closed my account again. Big improvement from BC quest wise.
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 10/01/2009, 07:06
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naznatips posted 31/12/2008, 03:35
We have no reliable way to track PC game sales because at this point so many of them are made online that we would be massively undertracking everything.
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MetalGearfan024 posted 22/12/2008, 12:14
Yeah, Wrath of the Lich King sold up to 2.8 million copies within the first 24 hours of availability and other than that, nobody except the Blizzard sales representatives know how much it's sold since then.
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