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Blizzard Entertainment



Release Dates

11/13/08 Blizzard Entertainment
(Add Date)
11/13/08 Blizzard Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 206
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 8

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World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - Summary

The second expansion pack for the awe-inspiring MMO, World of Warcraft. The Wrath of the Lich King takes players to a new area in northern Azeroth, Northrend, where the fallen prince Arthas plots and schemes on a way to wreak havoc on the world. As soon as players enter the new area, they'll be thrown into a new world of trouble that includes an original storyline, a level 80 cap, new skills, abilities, dungeons, gear, an extra profession and a brand new hero class, providing an added level of longevity to the world's most popular MMO.

Shipping Total

4,000,000 Units
As of: December 23rd, 2008

Opinion (10)

Smeags posted 31/08/2011, 04:38
Wait wait wait. They killed Arthas in this game? It sucks that I'm not going to know anything in the WarCraft universe by the time WarCraft IV comes out...
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SSurTails posted 01/03/2010, 12:52
Don't buy this game if you still want to have a life...
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Shinlock posted 08/03/2009, 10:05
I brought this from blizzard's store.

raced to 80 then closed my account again. Big improvement from BC quest wise.
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 10/01/2009, 07:06
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naznatips posted 31/12/2008, 03:35
We have no reliable way to track PC game sales because at this point so many of them are made online that we would be massively undertracking everything.
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MetalGearfan024 posted 22/12/2008, 12:14
Yeah, Wrath of the Lich King sold up to 2.8 million copies within the first 24 hours of availability and other than that, nobody except the Blizzard sales representatives know how much it's sold since then.
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