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Harmonix Music Systems



Other Versions

All, PS2, PS3, Series, Wii

Release Dates

11/20/07 MTV Games
05/23/08 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 218
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:



Unlockable guitars and clothes
Complete the following tasks to unlock.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Bomb Bass Beat the impossible bass challenge
Bone Microphone Beat Impossible Marithon 2 Challenge
Clear Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS Join the "Rolling Stone Rock Immortals" list
Clear Fender American Vintage 1962 Precision Bass Beat Rock Immortal Setlist in World Tour as bassist
Clear Microphone Beat Rock Immortal Setlist in World Tour as Vocal
Glowing Drum Set Join the "Rolling Stone Rock Immortals" list
Goat Head Bass Beat the Impossible Marathon 2 on Bass on any difficulty
Gold drum set Beat the impossible drum challenge
Gold Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS Beat the "Impossible Guitar Challenge"
Gold Microphone+Ultimate Metal Outfit Beat Imposible Vocal Challenge
Gold Mirophone Beat the impossible vocal challenge
Silver Bass Beat "The Final Band Challenge" on Bass
Silver Drums Beat "The Final Band Challenge" on Drums
Silver Guitar Beat "The Final Band Challenge" on Guitar
Silver Microphone Beat "The Final Band Challenge" on Vocals
The Goat Head guitar Beat the Impossible Marathon 2 challenge on guitar on any difficulty level.
Ultimate Goth Outfit Beat the Impossible Drum Challenge
Ultimate Metal Outfit Complete the Vocals Impossible Challenge on any difficulty
Ultimate Punk Outfit Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge on any difficulty
Ultimate Rock Outfit Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge on any difficulty
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (37)

1 n/a 159,814 n/a 28,202 188,016
2 n/a 73,834 n/a 13,030 86,864
3 n/a 65,241 n/a 11,513 76,754
4 n/a 79,726 n/a 14,069 93,795
5 n/a 95,177 n/a 16,796 111,973
6 n/a 56,898 n/a 10,041 66,939
7 n/a 42,830 n/a 7,558 50,388
8 n/a 33,373 n/a 5,889 39,262
9 n/a 26,671 n/a 4,707 31,378
10 n/a 30,953 n/a 5,462 36,415
Barozi posted 26/11/2008, 02:02
2 million :)
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Never Try posted 24/11/2008, 11:41
its was hot for a month then i could care less about it. goes down good with lots of sex drugs and violence!
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Barozi posted 21/11/2008, 12:43
2 million by next week
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PS360ForTheWin posted 28/10/2008, 12:30
just ordered the game + drums, should be good
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Batman...WTF? posted 27/09/2008, 06:49
So fucking expensive.
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ivo posted 15/08/2008, 07:09
i hope it will flop...although i now see the game in the netherlands for the first time.
they didnt sell it earlier.

but still 230 euro for one game (is 315$)..... never in my gaming life
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