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All, GBA, GC, XB

Release Dates

11/16/02 Midway Games
(Add Date)
02/14/03 Midway Games

Community Stats

Owners: 83
Favorite: 2
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Easy Koins
Note: This trick requires two controllers. Select versus mode and load a profile for each fighter. Each fighter must have some number of each Koin. Do a Wager then after that match is over, have only one player press R2. Press Right and you will hear the sound, then press Up to bet Koins. Press R2 again and play that match. The winner will get the coins, but the loser will not lose any. Go back and forth with each fight to make each gain more Koins, thus making each match worth more because you can wager more. Keep holding Up until you do not hear the sound anymore to bet the maximum amount in time. Use the following to learn what Koins you are betting, as you will not be able to see.

Press Right, Up: Onyx
Press Right(2), Up: Jade
Press Right(3), Up: Ruby
Press Right(4), Up: Gold
Press Right(5), Up: Platinum
Press Right(6), Up: Sapphire

Enter the versus menu and load a profile for each player. Press R2 to display the wager screen. Then, max out the wager for one Koin type and select "OK" on both controllers. Back at the character selection screen, unload one profile then reload the same profile. Then, alternately unload the second profile and reload it. Press R2 to go into the wager screen again. If done correctly, you both should have won the amount of coins wagered. Repeat this for this same Koin type until you are satisfied. Then, wager one final time for a few Koins and finally complete a battle. After returning to the character select screen, you must press Triangle to exit out and re-enter the versus menu. Repeat this for the other Koin colors. Note: Once you have 1000 Koins for one color, fight and save and redo it for the same color so you increase at a rate of 1000 Koins per profile load/unload. Then, repeat at about 10,000, so you get 10,000 per battle rather than 1,000 and so on. Also, when wagering hold Up on both controllers to increase the rate the Koin Kounter rises.
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Opinion (3)

Salem posted 12/05/2011, 08:47
It is nice to look at, and the game aint half bad either!
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PullusPardus posted 21/05/2009, 12:34
and the boxart is so awesome to look at.
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PullusPardus posted 21/05/2009, 12:34
my favorite 3-D MK
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