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Review Scores

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Alternative Names

Uncharted 3: Sabaku ni Nemuru Atlantis

アンチャーテッド3 砂漠に眠るアトランティス


Naughty Dog



Release Dates

11/01/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/02/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/02/11 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 773
Favorite: 147
Tracked: 32
Wishlist: 44
Now Playing: 52

Avg Community Rating:



Easy "Dyno-Might Master" Trophy
You need to kill 4 enemies with one explosion to get this trophy. An easy spot is in Chapter 16, where you need to open a door for Elena. When you drop into the garage, make sure you take out all the guard silently, as you will need the grenade the one drops (he only drops it if you kill silently). Open the door for Elena and a jeep should come driving up to your location. Quickly go to the back of the jeep and drop a grenade by the backdoor; 4 enemies should come out and be blown up. If you don't get it right the first time, reload the checkpoint and try again.
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Shipping Total

9,300,000 Units
As of: May 21st, 2019

Opinion (667)

TrevDaRev posted 03/10/2014, 01:11
6.5 million. Was adjusted up by 50k.
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WebMasterFlex posted 25/01/2014, 08:09
Soon above U2...
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binary solo posted 16/08/2013, 05:17
In before 6 million.
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zumnupy10 posted 26/07/2013, 10:13
Wouldn't doubt if this game was undertracked too.
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WebMasterFlex posted 03/07/2013, 03:14
U2 and U3 will do 7 million lifetime. Hope TLOU could do the same....
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Heavenly_King posted 27/06/2013, 04:10
This game is going to reach U2 numbers soon. AWESOME!!!
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