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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Uncharted 3: Sabaku ni Nemuru Atlantis

アンチャーテッド3 砂漠に眠るアトランティス


Naughty Dog



Release Dates

11/01/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/02/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/02/11 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 773
Favorite: 147
Tracked: 47
Wishlist: 103
Now Playing: 52

Avg Community Rating:


Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3) > Opinions (667)

 1  2  3  4  7 
TrevDaRev posted 03/10/2014, 01:11
6.5 million. Was adjusted up by 50k.
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WebMasterFlex posted 25/01/2014, 08:09
Soon above U2...
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binary solo posted 16/08/2013, 05:17
In before 6 million.
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zumnupy10 posted 26/07/2013, 10:13
Wouldn't doubt if this game was undertracked too.
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WebMasterFlex posted 03/07/2013, 03:14
U2 and U3 will do 7 million lifetime. Hope TLOU could do the same....
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Heavenly_King posted 27/06/2013, 04:10
This game is going to reach U2 numbers soon. AWESOME!!!
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A203D posted 11/06/2013, 12:18
@tontus. If you all you care about is sales go back to playing Call of Duty. The fans are not interested in sales, their interested in awesome games. Naughty Dog does just that. Which is why Uncharted and The Last of Us are two of the highest reviewed games this generation.
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Jared19 posted 30/05/2013, 01:09
Very awesome Game! Looking to platinum it!
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think-man posted 24/05/2013, 11:10
@tontus Blah, blah, blah. I could only
be bothered to read the first two lines
before I realised that it would just be
nonsense that I'd forget about straight
after changing tabs anyway. I don't
find your comments informative,
interesting agreeable or necessary at
all, no need to interact with you, I'll
try my best to avoid you unless you are
posting nonsense around.
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tontus posted 23/05/2013, 08:43
@A203D Blah, blah, blah. I could only be bothered to read the first two lines before I realised that it would just be nonsense that I'd forget about straight after changing tabs anyway. I don't find your comments informative, interesting agreeable or necessary at all, no need to interact with you, I'll try my best to avoid you unless you are posting nonsense around.

Anyway I only came here to correct people thinking the Uncharted series is almost as big or bigger than Gears of War, it's not even close. Vgchartz has the UC accurately tracked after ND revealed shipped sales of over 17m in Apr 2012 for all 4 UC games (Yes, including the Vita game). Epic announced in Nov 2012 that the 3 Gears of War games sold over 19 million units (Vgchartz had it at just over 18m), Vgchartz never updated the games sales. Realistically, GeoW2 sold 7m+, GeoW3 sold 6.25M+, GeoW sold 6.25m+ and GeoW:J sold 1.2m+. The GeoW series has shifted around 20.7m copies VS 17.6m the UC has and none of the Gears of War games have been mass bundled either, around 2 million of the UC series' sales are due to it being the Forza series of the PlayStation 3 when it comes to bundling.

So yes, Uncharted is fairly popular but no very popular. It's very defendant on bundling to break the 5m+ barrier. Not great considering it receives more bundling and marketing than another of Sony's other series this generation, just imagine if Sony supported all of it's flagship series as well.
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A203D posted 23/05/2013, 02:41
@tontus. Not sure if your aware of this, Naughty Dog are a first party studio. Every game they make will get heavy marketing input from Sony; because Sony own them, lol. Just because you think Uncharted is 'mediocre', it dosen't mean it should be dropped. If you don't like it you don't need to contribute to the sales. You have the option of playing Wii Dare or Wii Dance instead.
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abhiram_33 posted 17/05/2013, 05:58
i love this franchise, but i never thought i would see sales figures this high for this game, im happy to see this
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SOLIDSNAKE08 posted 13/05/2013, 01:46
the fact that Uncharted is now bigger than gears of war seems to really upset some people. U3 will top 7m eventually. no gears title has managed that.
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Deyon posted 06/05/2013, 11:17
...or next month
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Deyon posted 05/05/2013, 09:39
Will outsell Gears of War 3 this month! YOWZA!!
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Magnus86 posted 28/04/2013, 03:00
@tontus Really? Hahaha XD
Did you know that this game wasn't even bundled until the 4.5m mark? No? lol
Your statement is pretty useless and you don't have anything to support it. This game is as big as GOW, is it a problem for you? Deal with it dude because this will be the rule in the future. ;)
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ethomaz posted 21/04/2013, 09:01
One of the best selling franchises this generation... deserved... EPIC!!!
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tontus posted 20/04/2013, 03:46
@Magnus86 Silence you ill-informed deluded twit. Uncharted 3 was bundled since its launch for years with standard PS3's, many retailers are still selling UC3 bundles now for fuck sake. You think making shit up like it was 'almost at 5m before they started to bundle it' makes it true? You know that's complete bollocks and if you can't accept that this game would have sold nowhere near what it has without mass bundling then that's your folly, stop the bs. @Jozu That's not impressive, Gears of War 3 only ever had a very limited edition bundle whereas UC3 had years of bundling and STILL hasn't passed it. And most of UC3's sales were at bargain bin prices whereas GeoW3 sold millions more at full price. Uncharted is a medium sized franchise that Sony desperately want to make popular so they mass bundle the games to artificially make them popular in the hopes that one day it can be a big franchise without having to give 1-1.5 million away with bundles, doubt it will ever happen.
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Jozu posted 20/04/2013, 03:18
Only 40k away from Gears 3's numbers.
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Aldro posted 30/03/2013, 03:48
So wonderfully I had to make a double post XD
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Aldro posted 30/03/2013, 03:48
My favourite game is selling wonderfully :')
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Aldro posted 30/03/2013, 03:48
My favourite game is selling wonderfully :')
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Magnus86 posted 29/03/2013, 02:52
@tontus: What? Uncharted 3 was at almost 5m before they started to bundle it(in fact that started before the last black friday) so please stop with these bs.
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tontus posted 18/03/2013, 07:12
Good sales for a mediocre game with weak gameplay & a poor story. Although it's pretty pathetic that Sony's most bundled game with it's best marketing campaign this generation still couldn't pass 6 million before hitting bargain bin prices. ND should drop Uncharted and create something else (other than TLoU) that doesn't need a huge amount of help from Sony to sell well.
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thewastedyouth posted 12/03/2013, 10:06
Japan numbers, HAHA do people even game???
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hamo0odi90 posted 06/03/2013, 12:47
this masterpiece better reach 6 M before launching the last of us
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Deyon posted 28/02/2013, 01:31
This is fantastic!
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Magnus86 posted 29/01/2013, 01:03
6M lifetime easly, maybe 6,5/7.
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Colocho posted 11/01/2013, 11:47
@ CGI This franchise is undertracked. Back in April Sony announced tht this franchise had moved 17.8 mil units. This was last April, before the BFriday and Xmas bundles. Yet VG Chartz has the franchised at 17.1 at the moment. YEah, I say its under tracked by a lot!! Hopefully Sony will release some number this April.
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Aldro posted 09/01/2013, 02:43
BEAST sales for a beast game :'D
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Wander_ posted 06/01/2013, 07:52
Uncharted and Gears of War are the best 3rd person shooters EVER!!!
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Ocealot posted 04/01/2013, 06:37
LOL How can anyone be this so damn stupid. Nobody said anything about comparing it on a week to week basis. So again I'll explain it like i'm talking to a small child.

Halo 4 had sold 5.16 million copies at the time HK said it. He said that Black Ops 2 for the Xbox had outsold it (as in OVERALL) in just the first week because it had sold 6.43 million copies which was more than Halo 4 which was at 5.16 million.

I said that Black Ops 2 on the PS3 hadn't though because it had sold 4.87 million copies in it's first week which is less than Halo 4's 5.16 million. BLOPS2 1st week (XBOX) > Halo 4 in 3 weeks > BLOPS2 1st week (PS3).

Has it gone through now maybe? Or do I somehow need to simplify it even more? Perhaps if you still don't get it then just stay quiet instead of appearing more stupid than you already do.
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pitzy272 posted 02/01/2013, 08:52

Nope. Wrong.

Never -- at any point in time -- was Halo 4 at 5.16 million in sales while BO2 ps3 was at 4.87 million. Halo 4 released ONE week ahead of BO2, not two; yet, you're comparing Halo 4 week 3 with BO2 ps3 week 1.

Halo 4 -- November 17 (week 2): 4.5 million
BO2 ps3 -- November 17 (week 1): 4.9 million

So, despite you're comments attempting to insult my intelligence, you're the one who's wrong.

This is such a trivial thing to be arguing about, especially for this long; but, then again, it all started with you making a trolling comment about Uncharted 3, then your (incorrect) comment against BO2 ps3, followed by your arrogant comments to me. Even if I WAS wrong, there's no need to act like that. Pretty childish.
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SunofKratos posted 02/01/2013, 08:50
Yeah i agree Gear sof war likely make more profit since it has a way better first week but i am 100% sure that Uncharted 3 made alot of profit too so big win for everyone.
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pitzy272 posted 02/01/2013, 08:15
U3 was at around 4.5 million when they started bundling it. Sucks, bc it had JUST started to pick up in sales (20-30k/week) the week or 2 prior to the bundling announcement.

U2 sold 500k in its 2nd Christmas, so with U3 outpacing U2 by approx 800k (prior to U3's bundling), you have to assume U3 would've had AT LEAST a 500k Christmas season.

Conclusion: U3 probably would've been at around 5-5.2 right now if it hadn't been bundled. Therefore, bundling has given U3 approx 400-600k sales that it wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So, it doesn't technically deserve to be so close to GeoW 3 in sales. Plus, Gears 3 sold much more when it was still full price, making it more profitable anyways. They're still in the same ballpark when it comes to popularity/sales, but Gears definitely wins out.
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SunofKratos posted 01/01/2013, 09:11
Bundling surly do help the game. There is no deny about that. But also Uncharted is a leggy franchise if you look at the sales of Uncharted 1 and 2. I can see this game selling 7 million when all is said and done. More profit on the other hand is a different question?
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alejandroid79 posted 31/12/2012, 08:29
may i ask how this game is almost surpasing gears 3 i remember gear sold like 2 millions or more the first day it release, and this is like 70,000 copies closing on it? its because its bundle? they take in account this?i see it selling more individualy in some retailers, just wondering
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Heavenly_King posted 25/12/2012, 02:59
Incredible sales! Even if ND does not feel like to make another Uncharted game, I think Sony will make them do it. And I think that is the main reason behind why ND has now 2 teams.
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SunofKratos posted 24/12/2012, 08:27
Wow over 5.5 millions. Will reach 6 million very soon. The Uncharted Series is now one of Sonys most important IPS. Hopefully it will growwith next gen too. (Like God of War for an example)

I really can see this game selling over 7 million when all is said and done.
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Ocelot posted 22/12/2012, 09:39
Dear lord it's like talking to a plank. Lets try this again. Halo 4 had sold 5.16 million copies by the time the comments were made.

HK said BLOPS Xbox had sold more than Halo 4 in 1 week because it sold 6.43 million copies. I said the PS3 version didn't though because it had sold 4.87 million copies which is LESS than Halo 4.

Got it now?
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pitzy272 posted 17/12/2012, 06:39
First of all, no need to act like such a doucher, especially when my msg was fairly light-hearted.

Secondly, you're either wording your sentence incorrectly, or you read the numbers wrong.

HK: "360 version of BLOP2 outsold Halo 4 in its 1st week"
You: "the ps3 version did not" --> which quite clearly means you're saying the ps3 version of Black Ops 2 did NOT sell more in its first week than Halo 4 did in its first week. Which, again, is entirely false:
Halo 4 first week --> 3.8 million
Black Ops 2 first week --> 4.9 million
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Turkish posted 12/12/2012, 09:59
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TrevDaRev posted 10/12/2012, 02:16
Will sell over 7 million units like I predicated! Been with this franchise from the very beginning, it's been an absolute blast.

Now for some next gen Uncharted!
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Heavenly_King posted 10/12/2012, 12:09
Nice updated sales!!! WOHOO!!!! XD
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Heavenly_King posted 07/12/2012, 07:55
This game should be right now around 5.16M. Willingly undertracking PS3 games again VGCHARTZ?? I ask my self if this site is still worth of visiting anymore D:
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Heavenly_King posted 05/12/2012, 08:53
when are the numbers going to be updated?
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Ocelot posted 05/12/2012, 03:55
LOL @ Pitzys Reading comprehension fail. HK says BLOP2 (Xbox) outsold Halo 4 on it's 1st week, I said the PS3 version did not. Keep up so you dont make a fool of yourself again.
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pitzy272 posted 04/12/2012, 04:46
*"a" 360 fanboy, not "the"
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pitzy272 posted 04/12/2012, 04:45
Hold on...I know Ocelot was intentionally trying to pest, but he wasn't even correct in his last statement haha.

BO2 ps3 sold 4.61mill first week, and Halo 4 sold 3.80. And after 2 wks BO2 ps3 has sold 5.79mill compared to Halo 4's THREE week total of 5.16.

I see right through you Ocelot! :) Hold on (again).......your name is Ocelot! There's only ONE Ocelot I know! Are you a ps3 fan disguising yourself as the 360 fanboy?!! That's just like Ocelot, too - a double agent! You crafty minx! Mind=blown.
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Ocelot posted 03/12/2012, 02:28
@Heavenly King - But not BLOP2 on PS3 LOL.
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Proclus posted 03/12/2012, 10:33
@Heavenly_King: And you just proved you're as big of a child as Ocelot is, congrats Garry.
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pitzy272 posted 03/12/2012, 06:47
@ Sales
Forrrr the record...U3 was already at 4.5 million before Sony began the current (and yes, heavy, unfortunately) bundling. And its sales had just started picking up to around 20-30k/week, too.

Uncharted 2 has sold almost 6 million, and prior to the start of U3's current heavy bundling, it had been outpacing U2 by 800-900k.

I'm actually disappointed U3 got bundled like this, bc I wanted to see how it would sell on its own over the November-December holiday season:( Uncharted 2 sold about 500,000 in its second Christmas season, so U3 would have no doubt had an amazing (non-bundled) Christmas this year. Probably could've gotten to at least 5.10 million by the start of January. We'll never know, though, darn it!

The only positive in this is that more people will play the game and its multiplayer.
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Heavenly_King posted 03/12/2012, 12:04
@ocelot: And COD:Blops2 (360) outsold Halo4 first week. LMAO!
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Proclus posted 02/12/2012, 11:19
Congrats UC3, 5M passed.
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Ocelot posted 30/11/2012, 05:10
Halo 4 sales surpassed this in just 3 weeks lol.
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paulrage2 posted 29/11/2012, 07:49
Now its MORE THAN 5 MILLIONS!!! \o/
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Colocho posted 28/11/2012, 12:20
5m next week!! YES SIRRR!!!!!
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Aldro posted 27/11/2012, 03:04
Fave game almost hitting 5 Mil! OH YEAH :D
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Heavenly_King posted 27/11/2012, 03:59
GO UNCHARTED!!![]=Uncharted+3%3A+Drake%27s+Deception+%28PS3%29+[49054]&game[]=Gears+of+War+3+%28X360%29+[44123]&game[]=&game[]=
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Heavenly_King posted 27/11/2012, 03:55
5M next week FUCK YEAH!
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sales2099 posted 23/11/2012, 03:48

As long as were all cool with PS3 and 360 bundling games. Bundle sales count.
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binary solo posted 11/11/2012, 09:53
Taking into account online sales, bundling and price drops I'm guessing the uncharted series has now grossed more than $500 million. It must be Sony's most lucrative first party franchise on the PS3. I'm thinking God of War must be next with the collection having done so well on top of GoW III selling great.
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Heavenly_King posted 11/11/2012, 04:31
@Feniris: As much as I hope that this game has already sold 5M copies, you have to take into consideration that people buy used games, and also can get games from their friends.

I really hope this game can sell 7M ltd or more! XD
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Heavenly_King posted 11/11/2012, 04:29
It is really nice that now the Uncharted franchise is ww recognized. At first the people did not care much about the franchise (uncharted1), but thanks to U2, the franchise skyrocketed to the skies and beyond. I know that the gameplay is great, but if the graphics would not be as spectacular as they were, less people would have noticed the game XD.

This game has even better graphics, and better gameplay, no wonder why it is selling that good.

I bet they are already preparing Uncharted 4 as a launch title for the PS4.
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Heavenly_King posted 09/11/2012, 04:32
I want this game to be 5M before the end of the year.
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SunofKratos posted 08/11/2012, 02:26
Adjusted up? Wasnt this not at 4.73 last week?
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SunofKratos posted 04/11/2012, 11:45
Neraly 50 k units this week. THis will sell a lot this holiday. Can it reach 100k units during black friday week?
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Feniris posted 02/11/2012, 05:24
A naughty dog employee posted on his twitter account that Uncharted 3 "has been played by over 5 million people". Interesting.
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pitzy272 posted 27/10/2012, 09:45
Here you go, man. Heavenly_King posted this a little while ago in these comments. It was the first I found out a comparison chart like this even existed. You can select Global, USA, etc. U3 is actually above U2 in USA by about 80k. Look at the global comparison, though - U3 is outpacing U2 by almost 1 million.
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VGKing posted 26/10/2012, 05:52
Oh really? Then I guess U3 is really growing in Europe as it already passed U2 over there!
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pitzy272 posted 26/10/2012, 05:16

If u compare U3 to U2 for sales, they are actually almost identical in America for the same time period (I.e. approximately 1 yr after release). I was surprised as well at U3's sales in America compared to U2 until I checked the comparison chart.
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sub-zero-TM posted 26/10/2012, 03:56
@Farrow hmm on the contrary my friend this game is better than two in almost every way graphics,gameplay,multiplayer,soundtrack,set pieces..... i just don't get who can see this game being inferior to uc2.
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Farrow posted 26/10/2012, 03:26
Inferior game to Uncharted 2.
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krafty89 posted 26/10/2012, 01:57
39,799 this week Great sales. 4,730,232 lifetime.
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VGKing posted 25/10/2012, 03:26
I wonder why this game sold so much less in America? #2 is almost at 3mil which is weird since Uncharted 3 has been bundled much more...Hmmmm.
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sub-zero-TM posted 23/10/2012, 06:19
@SunofKratos oh yeah it's very possible i believe that too but we just have to wait and see.
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SunofKratos posted 21/10/2012, 07:58
Another 32kunits this week. This game will have an fantastic christmas. I can see 5.5 m after christmas 2012. Can Uncharted 3 reach that goal?
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sub-zero-TM posted 07/10/2012, 02:27
Go Uncharted 3!!! 5m+ by the end of the year is guaranteed!
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SunofKratos posted 02/10/2012, 04:06
Uncharted 3 is selling about 20k units each week and week after week it stands by 4,58m.
Am i wrong or does vg charts forget to update it total numbers?
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SunofKratos posted 27/09/2012, 04:48
Well its the right choice from Sony to bundle this game. Imagine Unchrated 4 will be a launch title for the ps4. The more Uncharted 3 sells, the more people play uncharted 3 ( even only because it is bundled) the more of a boost the ps4 will get when Uncharted 4 release. Sony always had two big IPs. Gran Turismo and God of War (which also grow a lot this generation) Uncharted has the chance to become 7 Million seller franchise. It only make sense to support this IP.
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pitzy272 posted 26/09/2012, 05:57
Man, I knew U3 was ahead of U2 for the same time period, but by 900,000? That's amazing. There's been much more growth than I thought. Thanks Heavenly_King for posting the link for the comparison page. I never even knew it existed!

So I've been wondering...bc of the couple ppl I've seen claim U3 has been bundled like this really true? I thought it was only bundled in the very beginning. How many of U3's 4.6 million sales does anyone think are actually attributable to bundles?

I'm disappointed by the decision to bundle U3 this Christmas. U2 had amazing sale increases in its second Christmas season. I wanted U3 to have a fair shot at a second Christmas season as well (without massive bundling). We'll never know how many sales are from the standalone game:(
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SunofKratos posted 23/09/2012, 12:36
Gran Turismo 5 is heading for a big holiday and so is Uncharted 3.
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sub-zero-TM posted 21/09/2012, 11:35
@tontus Pathetic troll is more like it lol, this game is probably already at 5m or more cause uncharted franchise is undertracked by 2 million here,most bundeld ha? wow you are very desperate
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thehusbo posted 21/09/2012, 09:29
Tontus- 2012:

Uncharted 3: 1.1million
Gears of war 3: 470k

Show me where you got the idea that its 'by far' the most bundled exclusive.

And this game is awful even by uncharteds low standards? Haha dream on.

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--OkeyDokey-- posted 21/09/2012, 09:04
Sony shipped 3.8 million retail copies for this game's launch. If we assume that the game never sold out of its first shipment and the other 800k sales all came from bundling, it would still be nowehere near the most bundled HD game.

Forza 2 was bundled with over 2 million consoles when MS decided to pack it in with EVERY Arcade 360 one christmas. Desperate for that Gran Turismo killer? Keep dreaming, MS.
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tontus posted 21/09/2012, 12:37
Pathetic sales considering this is by far the most bundled exclusive on both the HD consoles. This game has been bundled massively since its release and there's another bundle coming out with the new PS3 slim model.

This game is really awful, even by Uncharted's low standards. Sony should mass bundle some of their other (good) games and give them a chance to shine for once instead of Uncharted which seems to be their priority franchise nowadays (desperate for that Gears of War killer? Keep dreaming Sony, Gears sells amazingly & quickly at full price with very little bundling, Uncharted doesn't come close and never will).
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-girgosz- posted 08/09/2012, 01:36
I wonder how VGC are gonna count Trilogy Edition sales
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Heavenly_King posted 29/08/2012, 08:21[]=Uncharted+2%3A+Among+Thieves+%28PS3%29+[28733]&game[]=Uncharted+3%3A+Drake%27s+Deception+%28PS3%29+[49054]&game[]=&game[]=
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sub-zero-TM posted 25/08/2012, 02:58
@binary solo hmm well keep in mind that uncharted franchise is undertracked by more than 2 million units LOL(nice job VGChartz) so uc3 could already be at 5m or even beyond that and i think it is and besides uc3 sold a lot better and faster than uc2 did in its 9 months so yeah i think uc3 will pass uc2.
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AbrahamHamdan posted 25/08/2012, 02:57
@binary solo: The holiday will boost the sales like it did with uncharted 2 (sold like 200K a week). I'm betting uncharted 3 will reach 6 million by the end of this year.
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binary solo posted 25/08/2012, 01:18
I don't see it passing UC2, which is a shame, because it means no franchise growth from this game. But it's good to see it's well past UD:DF already, and a good shot at 5 million.
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TrevDaRev posted 31/07/2012, 06:21
Over 1 million so far this year!
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SOLIDSNAKE08 posted 25/07/2012, 03:05
uncharted is a very solid seller. strong sales first few weeks and then strong sales all year round. good legs.
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jester2358 posted 17/07/2012, 09:55
@pity272 It will be close, we still have the goty edition which should hit around september and sell well all through the holidays. not to mention potential bundles or price drop. and dont forget black friday week is good for anywhere from 50k-200k depending on if its bundled or not. Isnt a trilogy pack supposed to come out this year as well?
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pitzy272 posted 16/07/2012, 04:51
$13,634 this week. Finally seems to have lost the wind in its sales. Had fantastic legs up to this point. The game of the year edition hasn't released yet, right?

Hard to believe this might have less legs than U2 in its first full year on the market (2012) vs. U2's (2010). U3 was selling like 50-60k still into like its 15th-20th week!(iirc) Was hoping it would at least match U2's 1.69million, but seems unlikely (requires another 700,000+ by years end).

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Frozone posted 08/07/2012, 08:17
And so i'll make another one.
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Frozone posted 04/07/2012, 05:50 should be pretty obvious im an alt. I've been typing on this site for years now.
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Syndrome posted 02/07/2012, 03:59
Permanently dealt with as in about 1 day lol.
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Jay520 posted 02/07/2012, 03:51
Mw3 sold teh morez
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thehusbo posted 27/06/2012, 09:10
@the Murray- THIS year uncharted 3 has sold 936,000 compared to gears of war 3 which has sold 358,000. Gears of war has currently sold more yes, but uncharted is selling at a much faster rate now.
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 1   2   3   4   7 

Shipping Total

9,300,000 Units
As of: May 21st, 2019

Opinion (667)

TrevDaRev posted 03/10/2014, 01:11
6.5 million. Was adjusted up by 50k.
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WebMasterFlex posted 25/01/2014, 08:09
Soon above U2...
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binary solo posted 16/08/2013, 05:17
In before 6 million.
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zumnupy10 posted 26/07/2013, 10:13
Wouldn't doubt if this game was undertracked too.
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WebMasterFlex posted 03/07/2013, 03:14
U2 and U3 will do 7 million lifetime. Hope TLOU could do the same....
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Heavenly_King posted 27/06/2013, 04:10
This game is going to reach U2 numbers soon. AWESOME!!!
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