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Review Scores




Digital Eclipse



Other Versions

5200, 7800, Lynx

Release Dates

12/16/05 Midway Games
12/17/05 Midway Games
12/02/05 Midway Games

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



Programmer Credits

Start a game as normal, and during gameplay, perform the following sequences with the joystick and start buttons:1. Move right, Fire up, and press the Player 1 start button.2. Move up, Fire down, and press the Player 2 start button.3. Move down, Fire up.You must do each part of the sequence within a quarter second of one another, but you may hold each part as long as you wish. When the third part is done, the programmer credits will pop up and remain onscreen as long as the fire joystick is held upward. Be warned that you will lose your game if you do this trick, and it must be done without dying.

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Legacy Sales History

Opinion (2)

Strategyking92 posted 26/12/2008, 07:01
Yeah, this is surprisingly fresh after so long..
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quigontcb posted 19/06/2008, 05:39
Where is the love for this game?

Robotron kicks my ass and I love every miserable second of it!
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