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Kush Games



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Release Dates

10/18/05 2K Sports
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Community Stats

Owners: 1
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Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
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Easy Tokens
Edit any team to 100 so that every player is the best at everything. Then, start a franchise or GM Carrier. Then set the game to 162 games and customize budget (the team total cap room). Then, choose the team that you use and set their budget to the highest. When you have everything set, go to your schedule, go all the way to end season, and select "Simulate". This will simulate all your games and the reward will appear. This will leave you with about 20,000 Tokens. If you do not have enough, save your profile then shut off the game. Delete your GM Carrier or Franchise data, then repeat the steps again to buy everything.
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