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EA Canada



Other Versions

3DS, All, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360

Release Dates

11/18/12 EA Sports
12/08/12 EA Sports
11/30/12 EA Sports

Community Stats

Owners: 5
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:



FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real world football. This year, the game creates a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, and delivers freedom and creativity in the attack.


Source from the back of the box.

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Latest Updates

Game Summary added to Database Darwinianevolution 30th Mar 2019
Game Information Updated cycycychris 06th Apr 2018
Game Banner Added to Database cycycychris 18th Mar 2018
Critic Review Added to Database cycycychris 14th Mar 2018
Critic Review Added to Database spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Screenshot Added spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Screenshot Added spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Critic Review Added to Database spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Game Information Updated spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Game Information Updated spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018
Boxart Added spurgeonryan 07th Feb 2018

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (10)

1 n/a 12,524 n/a 2,735 15,259
2 n/a 2,045 2,280 584 4,909
3 n/a 2,357 902 569 3,828
4 n/a 2,980 5,046 953 8,979
5 n/a 3,317 5,621 1,062 10,000
6 n/a 1,481 3,162 513 5,156
7 n/a 803 1,697 277 2,777
8 n/a 410 940 146 1,496
9 n/a 385 470 113 968
10 n/a 339 428 100 867
Cream147 posted 22/10/2016, 04:13
What the legs of this game show to me is that a market for FIFA on Wii U did develop, but EA never bothered to try and tap into it. Hopefully it comes back fully-featured to Switch.
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VenusianKing posted 07/07/2015, 08:03
EA should definitely consider bringing this back to Wii U.
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FloatingWaffles posted 02/03/2015, 05:12
The game's 2014 sales were better than 2012 + 2013 sales combined.
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Clyde32 posted 05/01/2015, 11:33
Wow, those are some nice legs.
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Metallox posted 05/01/2015, 10:24
Just 6 months ago I saw it at 180K units, I don't know how it managed to get such a bump, but anyway, still very far of EA demands.
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 05/01/2015, 10:13
I actually will buy fifa 16 on wii u if it comes there
please EA
fifa can sell more on wii u then 3ds at least!
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