FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real world football. This year, the game creates a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, and delivers freedom and creativity in the attack.
Source from the back of the box.
Game Summary added to Database | Darwinianevolution | 30th Mar 2019 |
Game Information Updated | cycycychris | 06th Apr 2018 |
Boxart Added | cycycychris | 18th Mar 2018 |
Game Banner Added to Database | cycycychris | 18th Mar 2018 |
Total Sales |
Japan |
NA |
Europe |
Others |
Total |
1 | n/a | 1,351 | 38,051 | 9,715 | 49,117 |
2 | n/a | 687 | 12,298 | 3,178 | 16,163 |
3 | n/a | 596 | 10,079 | 2,609 | 13,284 |
4 | n/a | 2,036 | 9,145 | 2,590 | 13,771 |
5 | n/a | 1,982 | 6,591 | 1,944 | 10,517 |
6 | n/a | 874 | 4,830 | 1,339 | 7,043 |
7 | n/a | 412 | 6,843 | 1,773 | 9,028 |
8 | n/a | 139 | 4,731 | 1,204 | 6,074 |
9 | n/a | 2,543 | 4,540 | 828 | 7,911 |
10 | n/a | 2,360 | 5,806 | 864 | 9,030 |