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Insomniac Games



Release Dates

04/12/16 Sony Interactive Entertainment
08/09/16 Sony Interactive Entertainment
04/22/16 Sony Interactive Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 45
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Ratchet & Clank (2016) (PS4) > Opinions (76)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:22
7 million in just under 6 years.

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CloudxTifa posted 28/04/2021, 06:06
Insomniac guy said it was above 4.8 million long time ago.
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CarriedLawyer45 posted 13/08/2020, 11:27
This game is not good! Accept the fact that it's not good. I'm very disappointed, Insomniac!
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Karolek12 posted 13/01/2018, 12:38
I hope Medievil will sell more than 4m ;>
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Kerotan posted 11/01/2018, 05:09
2m retail only. Good job.
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WebMasterFlex posted 10/09/2017, 06:04
Loved the game. Low price.
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greencactaur posted 01/03/2017, 12:33
Wow great sales!
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Kerotan posted 01/02/2017, 07:24
Digital sales were high no doubt. It was priced very fairly.
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Qwark posted 29/01/2017, 02:40
Might end up being one of the best selling entries in the series. This games truely deserves the sales it gets.
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Eric2048 posted 27/01/2017, 08:08
2 million! but what are the digital sales i wonder.
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Rob5VGC posted 27/01/2017, 10:52
2 million! Glad to contribute.
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Mentore posted 27/01/2017, 03:12
Good sales for a platformer.
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Kerotan posted 27/01/2017, 02:56
2 million in 8 months!
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raulbalarezo posted 27/01/2017, 01:28
2 Million!!!
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Kerotan posted 17/01/2017, 07:12
270k to go!
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 23/12/2016, 08:07
Please for the love of god support more 3d platformers.
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Colocho posted 22/12/2016, 09:04
@ axumblade - Im sure it will do that b4 the end of January.
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 22/12/2016, 03:36
Holy crap!! It went from 1.29 to 1.50 AND THATS JUST AS OF NOVEMBER 26th...we'll see how well it sells by the end of the year.
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Kerotan posted 20/12/2016, 07:59
It launched at $40 digitally so no doubt sales are big deal on psn. And big holiday sales incoming. Awesome!
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 17/12/2016, 06:10
Glad it got a boost of 30k. However, considering the games quality, I feel like it should be more. This is my first Ratchet and Clank and I want to see sony support more of their older IPS on the Playstation 4 ,it's the only Playstation I have. I think this probably sold 1.6 million including digital sales at LEAST. So it's still pretty ok.
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Mr Puggsly posted 16/12/2016, 08:22
Yeah, had to be bundling. Best Buy is one retailer I know bundling it.
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Teeqoz posted 16/12/2016, 08:19
Thank god Sony didn't completely abandon this game during the holidays. This deserves to sell millions more.
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think-man posted 16/12/2016, 07:39
Mr puggsly spoke to soon lol 146k this week in US... Must be bundled.
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CWegzz posted 16/12/2016, 07:37
What's the reason for this huge boost in the US? Was there a bundle or something?
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/11/2016, 04:33
Huh, legs kinda died on this one.
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hunter_alien posted 10/10/2016, 03:30
@Radek: the game will hit 2 million at retail LT, and then we have the DL versions. For a 40$ remake thats a good performance, especially after taking into account the small development costs and the quality degradation the series had before this one.
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FloatingWaffles posted 15/09/2016, 11:50
This was a fantastic game.
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Teeqoz posted 13/08/2016, 09:10
It's showing incredibly consistent legs. I'm hoping it might do as much as 3 million lifetime. *crosses fingers*
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xboxonefan posted 13/08/2016, 04:21
It reached a million yay
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Kerotan posted 13/08/2016, 12:22
Congrats on 1m!
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Rob5VGC posted 13/08/2016, 10:58
Finally reached 1m.
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Rob5VGC posted 31/07/2016, 09:11
1m in 2 weeks.
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Kerotan posted 05/07/2016, 04:47
3Rd week in a row it increased its sales. It's going to have a pretty total come the 1St of January. should easily sell 2m retail in it's first 12 months. And as reported digital is very high. This ended up smashing people's expectations.
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Teeqoz posted 02/07/2016, 03:21
Fack yeah, already showing those nice Ratchet & Clank legs.
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Kerotan posted 01/07/2016, 02:44
~6 weeks to hit a million retail? And the reported insane digital ratio makes sense. It was great value to download. $35 I believe? I chose that option and I'd not be surprised if 30% also did. This title will hit 2m for sure and will probably go a good margin over that. Incredible revamp for the series.
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Teeqoz posted 28/06/2016, 08:30
If it can hold at 30k per week for a while, that'd be pretty good.
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golfgt170 posted 12/06/2016, 01:58
Still in the top10 of clobal weekly sales!!!! Go for 1mil (retail that is :P)
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Roronaa_chan posted 03/06/2016, 09:31
@Teeqoz makes sense at least for EU where it's cheaper 5€ than at retail. And it's even right next to U4 on the store bestsellers list despite being out longer which is kinda crazy. Goes in hand with it being #1 on EU PS store for April beating DS3, unlike NA.
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Teeqoz posted 02/06/2016, 10:36
Someone from Insomniac posted on GAF that it had an insane digital ratio too, so total sales will be even more impressive.
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think-man posted 02/06/2016, 06:35
Number have been adjusted down I see
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golfgt170 posted 01/06/2016, 09:54
Happy to see it close to million seller!
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Teeqoz posted 13/05/2016, 03:18
Somewhat overtracked in the US.
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think-man posted 13/05/2016, 06:11
@spacedelete you spoke too soon xD
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Kratos4ever posted 11/05/2016, 11:37
Oh well, was a bit too optimistic for last week sales. Will be 800K+ for next global sales estimates, then. :)

Pretty sure it already sold 1m last week or so. Even without digital purchases. =)

"Yeah, its pretty good. If you like all CG." :D
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whatever posted 10/05/2016, 03:45
This game will have amazing legs as well. This should ensure that we get some new R&C games in the future.
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Rob5VGC posted 09/05/2016, 08:27
So happy seeing this game hold the #1 spot.

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Kerotan posted 09/05/2016, 04:42
3/4's of a million retail already. What a beautiful success this has been. And yes I repeat it again, delaying uncharted was the best thing ever for this game.
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Kratos4ever posted 08/05/2016, 11:32
No edit? Uhmm okay.

Anyways, sales predictions as for April 30th, anyone?

Im gonna guess 220K sold units, so like 800K in total.
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Kratos4ever posted 08/05/2016, 11:23
Ratchet & Clank was finished and ready to release in 2015. The game was only delayed due to finding a distributor for the movie, so that both products could release around the same time. Insomniac did some extra polishing for half a year or so. I doubt that this process was anything pricy, but just increased the overal quality of this amazing debut on PS4.

According to James Stevenson, the Community Manager, this mainline Ratchet & Clank title even had a smaller budget than usual. Insomniac Games and Rainmaker had a really close collaboration since the very beginning of both projects. As a matter of fact, they provided various assets and character models to each other, which definately helped save some costs.

Lets not forget that the game has probably a better chance to sell more units at its attractive point of just 40$/40€ (or even lower 35€ on the PlayStation Store!) rather than at full price. People who actually played this gorgeous reimagining might see it as a steal. Word of mouth and the great critical reception will help to boost further sales.

Im not so confident about the movie boosting some serious sales for the game, though. While Zekkyou is right about the $20m being a really low budget for such an animated movie in general, it will most likely bomb at the end, based on the current estimates at box office. Even though the movie is still to be released in several countries axross the globe in June. So, we have to wait and see.

Add in another fact that this has reported to be the fastest selling entry in the series so far. Seriously, all things considerd, the game will be really fine in terms of total sales, returning more than enough profit to ensure more installments. Up to this point, its crazy to think otherwise.

I can see this game reaches 2m at the end of 2016, give or take digital numbers. =)
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Zekkyou posted 07/05/2016, 11:06
@spacedelete Long post a-hoy.

Considering the quality of the final product, i think 2 years is reasonable. Doubly so considering how much Insomniac (a fairly average sized developer) have released recently. In just 3 years they've put out Fuse, R&C:ITN, Sunset Overdrive, R&C PS4, and 4 smaller titles (another next month), and were involved in the making of the film. R&C PS4 was clearly not getting their undivided attention during its development, lol.

I never claimed it was guaranteed to have good legs. In-fact my post literally started with "While it's true that we'll have to wait and see how it does in the long run--". I'm simply pointing out that the game's current sales, relative to past entries, are great. While it's certainly possible it could go on to be a sales disappointment in the future, it's pretty silly to try question its current successes on the basis of an assumed future.

You're right that the film had been somewhat of a failure, but it was neither expensive ($20m is tiny for a feature-length animated film, and while it has done very poorly, in the long-run it should just about break even on a budget that small), nor does it change the fact that the game has had a great launch. While i do think (relative its launch) the new R&C will have weaker legs than past entries, selling about the same number of physical copies in your first 2 weeks as the previous 5 games combined certainly constitutes a "good launch" in my books :D And that, ultimately, is what R&C is predominantly being congratulated for right now.

On a side note, in what world is ACiT's 1.87 million "just barley a million"? :p
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think-man posted 07/05/2016, 03:42
@zekkyou insomniac announced the game was already completed in 2015 but they were waiting for the movie.
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think-man posted 07/05/2016, 03:31
@spacedelete you probably missed the news where it was announced that this is the fastest selling Ratchet.
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spacedelete posted 07/05/2016, 02:42
Zekkyou over tow to three years is a long development for essentially a remake of the first game as well as the fact that Ratchet movie wasn't cheap and that bombed in reviews and the box office.

also Ratchet games aren't guaranteed to have legs. Ratchet a crack in time just barely sold a million and that was probably discounted very quickly. either way people on the internet getting ahead of themselves calling it a success as games very rarely have legs this gen unless its something like COD or a sports game.
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Zekkyou posted 06/05/2016, 12:05
@spacedelete While it's true that we'll have to wait and see how it does in the long run (and we don't yet know how accurately VGC are tracking it), for a series known for its legs, selling 600k~ in 2 weeks (not including digital), even at $40, is excellent. For reference, the last major R&C entry sold 150k in the same time period. It's no Call of Duty, but it's a big success for what it is. I'd be very surprised if it doesn't get a sequel, which is ultimately all us R&C fans care about :D

On a side note, i don't know why you'd assume it had a "very long development". All we know is they announced it in June 2014, and then delayed it a year ago so they could release it with the film. If i also had to make an assumption, i'd guess R&C spent about 2 years as the primary focus of its team. That's would be pretty standard for a core R&C title, post-PS2.
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WebMasterFlex posted 06/05/2016, 09:51
Like any Ratchet, it will have long legs. Probably a 3 million seller.
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-Ack!- posted 06/05/2016, 02:30
They see me trolling they hating...
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spacedelete posted 05/05/2016, 11:17
i don't understand how people are assuming these sales are good? this game had a very long development and with a budget price can't be making too much money. only reason this game didn't completely bomb is because of the budget price.
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TrevDaRev posted 03/05/2016, 07:16
It'll be interesting to see what Sony's approach will be for the next Ratchet & Clank. I do feel it would be beneficial to stick with the budget release pricing, but I also feel that the next game should have a bigger budget and be akin to Tools of Destruction & A Crack In Time.

It's just great to see the franchise doing so well. 15 years old next year aswell. Time flies.
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Azhraell posted 03/05/2016, 07:06
Imagine what could sell a Crash remake on the ps4 if done right
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Crymassive posted 03/05/2016, 04:23
I hope we get more games in the future
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Kerotan posted 03/05/2016, 03:18
Yeah super sales. Hopefully they get a bigger budget for the next ratchet and Sony sell it for $50. Could do a deal for $45 if you buy it digital.
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TrevDaRev posted 03/05/2016, 12:22
Great sales. More Ratchet & Clank games are always welcome.
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/05/2016, 10:25
With these numbers Sony is probably thinking it should have been $50 or $60. It has done very well.
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think-man posted 03/05/2016, 06:47
Solid 2nd week, should be a 1 million in no time.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 02/05/2016, 05:09
@Meret Yo mama put da rat in ratchet

PS.only a joke i don't mean it, before some mod without a sense of humour storms in with there size 10', and goes into max PC mode.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 02/05/2016, 04:53
@Meret are we basing it on VG numbers or real ones as this game has sold 1million as of right now.
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Meret posted 02/05/2016, 04:17
@gerryd2704 movie bombed hard, lol.
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think-man posted 29/04/2016, 04:16
@gerryd2704 It's already sold over 30k digital based on ratings alone from the multiple regions I've looked at
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gerryd2704 posted 29/04/2016, 01:17
people keep forgetting about digital sales and for 40 bucks its worth a little download and cash. i havent purchased it yet. but i will in a few weeks after i play and finish dark souls 3. Plus the movie could be a hit with kids and if it is Sony will strike it very big i reckon.
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Meret posted 28/04/2016, 06:22
@DEAD_ORIGINAL maybe in your dreams.
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Darwinianevolution posted 28/04/2016, 08:17
When do you think this will beat Knack?
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Azhraell posted 28/04/2016, 04:34
No way it sells that much in 2016. 1.5-2M is seems realistic and even that would be a great performance imo. Ratchet is more about legs
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think-man posted 24/04/2016, 03:57
Its a week delayed in parts of Europe.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 23/04/2016, 05:42
I think this will sell 3 million this year alone.
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think-man posted 10/04/2016, 05:53
And expect meret or what his name is to drop in and say bomba or flop like he usually does.
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think-man posted 10/04/2016, 05:52
This game will have an average opening and amazing legs, if the movie is a success i can see it adding alot more sales. Either way this wont light up the charts, but wont leave the charts for a long time either.
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Shipping Total

7,057,000 Units
As of: February 2022

Opinion (76)

Machina posted 23/12/2023, 02:22
7 million in just under 6 years.

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CloudxTifa posted 28/04/2021, 06:06
Insomniac guy said it was above 4.8 million long time ago.
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CarriedLawyer45 posted 13/08/2020, 11:27
This game is not good! Accept the fact that it's not good. I'm very disappointed, Insomniac!
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Karolek12 posted 13/01/2018, 12:38
I hope Medievil will sell more than 4m ;>
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Kerotan posted 11/01/2018, 05:09
2m retail only. Good job.
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WebMasterFlex posted 10/09/2017, 06:04
Loved the game. Low price.
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