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Review Scores




Vigil Games



Other Versions

All, PC, WiiU, X360

Release Dates

08/14/12 THQ
11/29/12 Spike
08/21/12 THQ

Community Stats

Owners: 5
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Darksiders II (PS3) > Opinions (3)

legendarysaiyanbroly posted 25/12/2012, 09:38
O.K., I've tried this game and sleeping dogs, and they r good but not half as good as some fans r trying 2 make them look,... there's honestly other games out there like Downpour, Twisted Metal, and hell, even Dead Souls, which deserve more gamer support (at least ATM) than those 2.

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Iveyboi posted 05/10/2012, 05:02
Game had me until the Earth level; game goes downhill from there and what a RUSHHHEEEDDDDD ending
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Iveyboi posted 10/09/2012, 06:48
Expected higher OW sales...hmm hopefully legs
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (3)

1 n/a 118,702 42,238 27,410 188,350
2 n/a 23,348 45,886 13,996 83,230
3 n/a 13,828 20,717 6,810 41,355
4 n/a 8,810 15,390 7,301 31,501
5 n/a 5,696 11,282 5,238 22,216
6 n/a 2,839 5,197 2,445 10,481
7 n/a 2,882 6,095 2,801 11,778
8 n/a 2,565 7,142 3,160 12,867
9 n/a 2,251 5,498 2,474 10,223
10 n/a 4,133 5,104 2,603 11,840
legendarysaiyanbroly posted 25/12/2012, 09:38
O.K., I've tried this game and sleeping dogs, and they r good but not half as good as some fans r trying 2 make them look,... there's honestly other games out there like Downpour, Twisted Metal, and hell, even Dead Souls, which deserve more gamer support (at least ATM) than those 2.

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Iveyboi posted 05/10/2012, 05:02
Game had me until the Earth level; game goes downhill from there and what a RUSHHHEEEDDDDD ending
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Iveyboi posted 10/09/2012, 06:48
Expected higher OW sales...hmm hopefully legs
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