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Alternative Names

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope International

スターオーシャン 4 The Last Hope インターナショナル





Release Dates

02/09/10 Square Enix
02/04/10 Square Enix
02/12/10 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 217
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 34
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:


Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (PS3) > Opinions (76)

Kresnik posted 04/01/2014, 03:16
I guess that's what a year's worth of exclusivity and a pretty rubbish reception will do to the PS3 sales. Didn't get close to Vesperia on PS3 vs. 360!
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ice posted 14/08/2013, 05:51
Wow, I thought the Japan sales would be higher, they barely pass the 360 Japan sales O.o
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mantlepiecek posted 08/07/2012, 11:56
Playing this game, really like the combat. The story is OK, some of the locations are well detailed whereas some are not, especially one of them is really bad it hurts your head.

Good game though, no doubt, good combat variety among different characters which keeps things somewhat fresh.
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ryuzaki57 posted 12/01/2012, 07:32
glad it pass the sales of the X360 sales in Japan. Justice has been done
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Mordred11 posted 02/09/2011, 08:49
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mjk45 posted 02/08/2011, 03:14
@Rawnchie14 nope demon souls with 1.21 m is higher than Star ocean with 1.15 m
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huaxiong90 posted 31/07/2011, 01:57
The Japanese sales of the PS3 and 360 versions are the exact same now.
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miqdadi posted 19/06/2011, 01:59
One of the best RPG games of the generation, Just try and U'll not be disappointed
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Iveyboi posted 28/04/2011, 06:26
I REALLY enjoyed this game. Moreso afterwards. Incredible length & amount of things to do. I will remember this game for a long time
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aaronmendola posted 15/05/2010, 01:45
Combined sales of ps3/360 makes this game THE best-selling current gen JRPG. FF13 excluded of course :)
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Rawnchie14 posted 05/05/2010, 03:22
@ Avarice28

People bought PS3's for FFXIII because they believed it was going to be an exclusive (and released a lot earlier). And when the PS3 version has it's pluses (compressed video, etc) then yea of course the PS3 would sell well.

The comparison is not warranted tbh though - using FF as the benchmark. I harshly doubt the amount of guaranteed money (as well as funding for development) is not substantial enough to keep developers making games exclusive to 360.

If Sony wants more games, they'd make the initiative like MS is doing. I guess they don't care?
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ImsoGreat posted 01/05/2010, 01:00
*Sigh* As I said before.. This game is a patched up port of the 360 version. That means it's barely costing SE anything to release this. The fact that it sold more than 290k copies worldwide at the cost equivalent of $60 and with hardly any advertisement is amazing. Even more so that it sold over 100k copies in the U.S. alone!

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Remnant posted 28/04/2010, 09:39
Is a shame too, I wanted this game when it first came out. Releasing it a few week before FFXIII and not at the same time as the Xbox version, as a PS3 fanboy it upset me and now I don't want it at all. x.x
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Avarice28 posted 21/04/2010, 03:09

If Square did not learn their lesson from the 'large' profits that they made with the Final fantasy sales on the ps3. Then they are destine to go out of business betting against the ps3 with yet another 360 exclusive. That is what I call "franchise" career suicide.
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Mr Puggsly posted 17/04/2010, 01:35
@ DaBuddahN
I agree JRPGs would sell better on the PS3 if released at the same time. However, MS is clearly offering something outstanding to make developers do timed exclusives.

I don't know what Square is planning. But we'll definitely see more JRPG exclusives for the 360.
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ImsoGreat posted 12/04/2010, 10:28
You guys do realize that this game is a patched up port of the 360 version right? Meaning that it's barely costing SE anything to release this. The fact that it sold more than 220k copies worldwide at the cost equivalent of $60 and with hardly any advertisement is a very, VERY good thing.
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blueknight posted 09/04/2010, 01:23
yeah they shouldn't release all rpgs at the same time releasing this around ff13 alone made it a weak release.
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DaBuddahN posted 08/04/2010, 06:14
Wow, the sales of this game really bombed. I don't think Square will be doing anymore timed exclusives against the PS console. I mean, I don't want to sound like a fanboy, but JRPG's will always sell better on the PS3, than the 360... If released at the same time.
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blueknight posted 05/04/2010, 03:57
just picked this game up this weekend, its a great game hope the sales pick up
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Bagaren85 posted 05/04/2010, 01:45
Suprised by the sales. Well, i lost interest early with the 360-version. Maybe i will give SO4 a new chance soon, when the price goes down for the ps3-version.
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aaronmendola posted 04/04/2010, 06:21
Excellent game. English voice is good imo. Even the "annoying" girl isn't bad.
1. FF13
2. Star Ocean 4
3. Enchanted Arms
4. Eternal Sonata
5. Folklore
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darthdevidem01 posted 28/03/2010, 11:46
Getting this over ROF..atleast this seems to have colour in it lol

can't wait...and its a prequel!
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Wagram posted 28/03/2010, 01:31
I'll buy this when it is 20 for collection purposes. Must be with its Sony brethren. Bought it for the bot on launch day. :/
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Iveyboi posted 27/03/2010, 05:30
I'm never going to be able to play this as I have FF13, Resonance of Fate, and GOW3 to get to
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ps3_jrpg_gamer posted 26/03/2010, 03:34
I see some good legs in japan
Message | Report posted 26/03/2010, 02:22
Oh wow, I hope SE will think twice before they release a timed "exclusive" on the other console.
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wolfofthepack posted 26/03/2010, 12:35
this game is a sure 8.5 its awesome in every aspect screw wat the critics say am 80hrs into this game
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ps3_jrpg_gamer posted 26/03/2010, 10:49
DESERVES A 8.5 one of the best jrpgs at the moment
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Avarice28 posted 23/03/2010, 03:20
@Mr Puggsly

It definitely will if VG ever updates the others sales for the game.
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Mr Puggsly posted 23/03/2010, 11:40
Surprisingly low. I would have bet this would outsell the 360 version.
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Roy03 posted 15/03/2010, 01:07
I know 11 people who bought this game in others and I think there are thousands morre who did this aswell
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Dragonkingtatsu posted 12/03/2010, 08:24
Where is others numbers?
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yusuke93_ita posted 07/03/2010, 12:06
4 Hours into this, so far, good game
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Hero_time88 posted 05/03/2010, 08:03
The game includes Spanish, French and other subs for the game, which ussually means that it will sell better than the avarage JRPG here.

It was in the top 5 best selling PS3 title's of FNAC a couple of weeks ago in Spain.
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yum123 posted 05/03/2010, 02:53
yea weird id say that others is probably more than america aswell wonder if it will get updated
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wolfofthepack posted 04/03/2010, 09:53
so am? is no 1 buyin it in others?
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Avarice28 posted 26/02/2010, 12:24
@Lord matrix
Time exclusive may "back fire" on the other version due to the fact that this game is one pace to probably sell 700k to 800k LTD. The legs are already on par with its 360 counterpart after being on sale for just two weeks.
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LordMatrix posted 26/02/2010, 10:37
timed exclusivity paid off on this one big time. At least those that want to play it on PS3 can now though. Most obviously didn't feel like waiting and grabbed it for X360.
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NicholasCage posted 26/02/2010, 12:41
Where's the Other numbers?
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Ravage27 posted 25/02/2010, 05:44
SE worst decision this gen - not making SO4 multiplat from the start. They are probably kicking themselves now
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jacks81x posted 25/02/2010, 06:37
Considering that this is a one-year old port that didn't get great reviews to begin with, I would say that the sales are pretty good.
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IvorEvilen posted 25/02/2010, 04:49
Not so good sales? Considering the odds, this game is faring very well, especially considering its legs in Japan are way better than the 360 versions~
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Wagram posted 24/02/2010, 03:13
Would have been alot higher if this was a multi-plat release.
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outlawauron posted 23/02/2010, 07:17
For Great Justice.
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wolfofthepack posted 22/02/2010, 11:29
i c the cause as bad reviews for this game plus a whole yr late! and to top it off ff13 is right around the corner but am a star ocean fan from snes days so this was a must buy for me!
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Nightwish224 posted 22/02/2010, 02:19
Wow, not so good sales. Eh.
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lurkerwithnosoul posted 21/02/2010, 01:53
@Crazy Li

Or maybe because this isn't a game for masses and was released a year later.

Stop whining.
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ivanpgcs posted 21/02/2010, 12:57
Others sales of this week?
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Mad55 posted 21/02/2010, 08:27
@Crazy Li
that sounds stupid

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NicholasCage posted 21/02/2010, 05:27
@Crazy Li

Or people are waiting for Final Fantasy 13
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Crazy Li posted 20/02/2010, 08:11
the reason the US PS3 version at least didn't outsell the 360 version is because a lot of trolls went around telling PS3 owners not to buy the game until it drops to $30. Many people said the game is bad, but it's really not. I'm guessing it's pissed off 360 people who either don't like JRPGs in the first place, so it wasn't for them or they wish they didn't buy the inferior version.

But it's results like this that will mean less PS3 US releases of games. Just look at Vesperia and how that's not coming to North America.
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Crystalchild posted 20/02/2010, 04:10
im shocked. shitty sales for a great RPG Experience.

SO is not perfect, but better than MUCH other Games that came out. :(..

but otherwise i can understand it, the 360 Version costs the half, and the cosmetic changes arent worth 30 bucks, so i expect legs when it gets cheaper.
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Crystalchild posted 14/02/2010, 03:34
@Carl: maybe the japanese guys are pissed off by square? i could understand that.

@Game: finished, and it was a great experience. (with Jap. Voices. :3)
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Ssenkahdavic posted 12/02/2010, 06:59
Received my copy of this day 1 but still have not played it. WKC is great and Im looking forward to playing some SO4
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yusuke93_ita posted 12/02/2010, 06:03
70 k in america and 40 k in Europe
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Carl posted 12/02/2010, 01:30
I take it the reason this didn't outsell the 360 version is because it is a pretty bad game? I mean, ToV outsold it's 360 brother... Why couldn't this one?
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jacks81x posted 11/02/2010, 05:55
Decent opening for a port with mediocre reviews.
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snyperdud posted 11/02/2010, 05:06
Decent opening in Japan I suppose. Considering its a year old port I mean.
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Kaixes posted 11/02/2010, 12:06
Now that I got WKC, this just got boosted up to #3 on my to-get list. Too bad I'm short on cash. Heavy Rain and FFXIII take priority unfortunately.
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 27/01/2010, 10:29
I just choose both This AND WKC: IE ... However no Bioshock 2... ah well whatever JRPG's ftw! go WKC: IE and SO4: I!
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sangbyung posted 27/01/2010, 04:48
should i get this or white night chronicles? maybe both?
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Ssenkahdavic posted 26/01/2010, 05:31
Should do really well. One of 5 jrpg preorders alread this year!
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Son1x posted 21/01/2010, 01:08
I don't think this will sell more than the 360 version. I may be wrong though.
But damn, the Japanese boxart is great.
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Avarice28 posted 21/01/2010, 05:27
This game will probably sell twice as many copies as the 360 version ltd. Wow? The PS3 can definitely push rpg sales (see final fantasy 13, VC, etc)
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Kushalafang posted 18/01/2010, 01:48
Same as Vesperia more story and more characters.
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Naum posted 14/01/2010, 10:40
What extra content will it have? aside from japanese voices
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KeyStyle posted 27/12/2009, 01:27
it will sell 1ml...and 500 k in japan...
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 06/12/2009, 01:30
Got it on 360 and WILL get it on PS3, i loved this game on 360 but it did have its issues.
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Silver-Tiger posted 06/12/2009, 12:37
I really wish the PS3 port will sell well, but I doubt it, since everybody who REALLY wanted to play the game already got the 360 version.
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Rawnchie14 posted 01/11/2009, 03:07
Lifetime, unless it's an eruption in Japan - will be less than the 360 version. But it will sell very well.
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Son1x posted 23/10/2009, 10:19
Its probably gonna sell more in Japan and less in US/Eu. Of course, I could be totaly wrong.
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TheConduit posted 19/10/2009, 12:04
Wonder if this will outsell the Xbox 360 version.
It came out a while ago for the 360 and doesn't have any improvements/additional content but it is a JRPG and there are roughly three times as many PS3 as 360 in Japan.
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Rawnchie14 posted 07/10/2009, 11:25
it isn't lol, 2/9/2010 for the US
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Squall_Leonhart posted 25/09/2009, 05:12
Will be getting this
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oliist posted 16/09/2009, 09:03
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oliist posted 15/09/2009, 09:29
Don't stay Japan exclusive!
*keeps fingers crossed*
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (76)

1 81,710 n/a n/a 81,710
2 25,477 28,104 6,875 7,929 68,385
3 12,914 12,127 3,368 3,580 31,989
4 9,378 8,256 3,032 2,699 23,365
5 6,133 6,513 2,489 1,892 17,027
6 3,416 6,245 2,192 1,757 13,610
7 4,424 6,053 1,955 1,652 14,084
8 3,265 5,628 1,878 1,554 12,325
9 2,664 4,384 1,941 1,354 10,343
10 1,977 3,959 1,309 1,090 8,335
Kresnik posted 04/01/2014, 03:16
I guess that's what a year's worth of exclusivity and a pretty rubbish reception will do to the PS3 sales. Didn't get close to Vesperia on PS3 vs. 360!
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ice posted 14/08/2013, 05:51
Wow, I thought the Japan sales would be higher, they barely pass the 360 Japan sales O.o
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mantlepiecek posted 08/07/2012, 11:56
Playing this game, really like the combat. The story is OK, some of the locations are well detailed whereas some are not, especially one of them is really bad it hurts your head.

Good game though, no doubt, good combat variety among different characters which keeps things somewhat fresh.
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ryuzaki57 posted 12/01/2012, 07:32
glad it pass the sales of the X360 sales in Japan. Justice has been done
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Mordred11 posted 02/09/2011, 08:49
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mjk45 posted 02/08/2011, 03:14
@Rawnchie14 nope demon souls with 1.21 m is higher than Star ocean with 1.15 m
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