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Team Bondi



Other Versions

All, NS, PS4, X360, XOne

Release Dates

11/15/11 Rockstar Games
07/07/11 Rockstar Games
05/20/11 Rockstar Games

Community Stats

Owners: 243
Favorite: 12
Tracked: 12
Wishlist: 34
Now Playing: 15

Avg Community Rating:


L.A. Noire (PS3) > Opinions (91)

zumnupy10 posted 26/07/2013, 10:03
Really enjoyed thid game but I Rockstar won't make another game like this.
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AFFLICTION posted 26/02/2012, 10:28
Just picked up the complete edition for $40 & highly enjoying it!
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Iveyboi posted 04/01/2012, 06:30
Legs just DIED
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ROBOTECHHEAVEN posted 13/12/2011, 04:10
just bought this collection today at walmart for $19.99, was on sale.
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Heavenly_King posted 09/12/2011, 10:02
I think they should have waited for a "game of the year Edition" next year. People that bought the game at launch will feel ripted off.
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LupinIII posted 06/12/2011, 04:31
2 million.
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ylowbstard posted 04/12/2011, 07:10
This is one of my favorite Rockstar Games. I hope it gets some GOTY nods. An amazingly immersive experience that fully capture the film-noire flavor.
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 07:51
Helluva lot better than those god awful GTA games
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 07:38
Best game ever produced by Rockstar and should have GOTY nomination
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The_Joker_Product posted 01/11/2011, 11:24
But it wasnt an amazing game, it was boring as hell.
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abhiram_33 posted 29/10/2011, 04:22
This game was actually awesome and took me by surprise. I am happy I traded in my black ops for this. People just need to go back to COD if they hate on amazing games like this.
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Mordred11 posted 02/09/2011, 09:15
Good sales..
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AngelosL posted 26/08/2011, 03:16
This game is boring.
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bullza90 posted 17/08/2011, 12:39
Because it was crap thats why.
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Iveyboi posted 12/08/2011, 05:58
Legs for this game DIED. Oh well
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dsage01 posted 06/08/2011, 02:44
Such a great game. Why did it have to go bankrupt!
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jadakiss1217 posted 29/07/2011, 09:48
This got this last week;great game so far
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dsage01 posted 24/07/2011, 02:42
lol Japan actually made a difference this time
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dsage01 posted 24/07/2011, 02:41
The PS3 sales will surpass the 360 sales soon
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dsage01 posted 24/07/2011, 02:41
great game. Would have rated it higher if there was online
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SqueakySamurai posted 23/07/2011, 11:06
when japan updates, the ps3 version will have sold more than the 360 version?
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rccsetzer posted 23/07/2011, 03:31
this game is very good, but something is missing to achieve a 10/10.
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rccsetzer posted 23/07/2011, 03:30
sorry. wrong post
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rccsetzer posted 23/07/2011, 03:29
top spin 4
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Conegamer posted 22/07/2011, 06:53
It's a shame what happened to this game. cutting out 11 cases and 2 desks...with those in it would possibly have been one of my favourite games ever. Now it has to settle for a top 10 only
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bleach2091 posted 20/07/2011, 12:46
i can easily see this will surpass the xbox 360 sales in a month
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Jay520 posted 19/07/2011, 06:34
Great game. It was better than I thought. I was sucked in the story
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Gearbox posted 18/07/2011, 07:19
@reebokanoynmous - look at the graph. notice the green line
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Reebokanonymous posted 18/07/2011, 05:34
What's with the sales jump? Amazon's discount? Also, MrMofongo, they track sales by what was actually sold. 360 has sold slightly more.
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non-gravity posted 17/07/2011, 01:27
The limited interrogation gameplay is the lowpoint for me.
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MrMofongo624 posted 15/07/2011, 05:31
i dont mean to cause an argument or to sound fanboyish but ps3 has sold more. research it, its even on this site. Ps3 has a higher instal base than 360, meaning it has been sold more, those numbers are the ones shiped to gamestop,wallmart,etc. Im not kidding, look it up
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oniyide posted 09/07/2011, 12:17
i gotta see what the fuss is about
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Mad55 posted 05/07/2011, 12:29
@MrMofongo those sales are units sold , the 360 is a bit ahead of the ps3
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MrMofongo624 posted 02/07/2011, 12:19
@pslee ps3 has sold more than xbox, those #s arent the sales, they are shipping #s. ps3 has sold 48 million, and 360 has sold almost 47 million
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Gearbox posted 01/07/2011, 08:06
@ pslee - i own both consoles, but for all multiplat games i buy on my ps3.
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pslee posted 01/07/2011, 03:45
almost selling equal amount with 360. does that mean that 3million 360s are not working or not being used?
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vw1303 posted 29/06/2011, 04:39
my best game this year
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vw1303 posted 29/06/2011, 04:39
my best game this year
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sly777 posted 28/06/2011, 03:53
I love the game. He deserve a 9/10
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beelzie14 posted 26/06/2011, 11:13
Awesome game with amazing characters, acting and voice work, investigating techniques etc. This is what Heavy Rain SHOULD have been like.
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solidsnakehd posted 25/06/2011, 11:13
just a simple game.rockstar wanted to create a game like heavy rain
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-girgosz- posted 24/06/2011, 08:53
Rocstar made a bad decision announcing it for PC. Now ppl are gonna gonna wait for a little then download it.
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sabby_e17 posted 19/06/2011, 04:09
@think-man: Please do get it. It's an amazing game, a bit on the easy side but the story and gameplay are great.
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abhiram_33 posted 13/06/2011, 03:01
very good game just wish i have more time to play this game
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think-man posted 13/06/2011, 12:47
hmmmm im thinking of getting this, If ppl are comparing it to heavy rain than it must be good.
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limulder posted 12/06/2011, 09:32
Additionally, there's no other game that I can think of that so beautifully weaves a greater theme into it's narrative. On it's surface, the game is about unraveling a conspiracy of corruption in 1947 LA. But what I really took away was that this game is about the tragedy of GI's returning of war, struggling to reintegrate into society. There's no other game that packs a thematic punch like LA Noire.
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limulder posted 12/06/2011, 09:25
I'm going to have disagree with you foodfather. You mention some great story driven games and I would never argue the narrative competence of these titles. But Heavy Rain and Mass Effect (two games I actually like more than L.A. Noire) do not even hold a candle to the dry wit, nuance, and character of the dialogue of LA Noire. The story is more of a slow burn - simmering drama that gradually reaches a poignant, powerful crescendo demonstrates a restraint that no other game I've played has.
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foodfather posted 11/06/2011, 07:56
The story and writting is nowhere near as good as Mass Effect, Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, Witcher.
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foodfather posted 11/06/2011, 07:55
Just completed the game and I am shocked how average it was. 95% of the game is cutscenes, with minimal story that only gets interesting in the last couple of hours. Investigation and interrigation gameplay was smooth, but shallow. Mocap is the nly outstanding thing here. This game does not deserve the sales and Heavy Rain is a much better game.
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pablogers posted 10/06/2011, 09:43
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delicious posted 10/06/2011, 03:24
60% movie 40%game
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limulder posted 10/06/2011, 02:08
@homer - Heavy rain is one my all time faves. I would say this game is not the emotional experience that Heavy Rain, but I don't think LA noire is trying to be. If you liked HR, you clearly are someone who wants a game where story comes first. Such games are few and far between, but LA Noire is one of those games. The dialogue, the nuance, the wit, the drama, the characters are probably the finest written in a videogame.
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dsage01 posted 05/06/2011, 10:04
Great game! Sadly this doesn't have MP. Only reason why it couldn't pass Red Dead
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homer posted 04/06/2011, 04:50
How does this compare to Heavy Rain?
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yog-sothot posted 04/06/2011, 04:10
great sales for a great game, right now, I'm a happy gamer and a happy TakeTwo shareholder
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JOKA_ posted 03/06/2011, 08:01
wow already over a million
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TheConduit posted 03/06/2011, 04:44
No leatherhat I think over 2.4million cross lpatform sales sends the message that people like this shit. Yes some games you like others dont and probable think we would be better of without youre games.
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Doobie_wop posted 03/06/2011, 04:39
100th million seller!!! Woo! Sucks for Dead Rising 2, so close and yet so far.
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leatherhat posted 03/06/2011, 03:58
You have absolutely no idea what I like in games do you?
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jester2358 posted 03/06/2011, 03:54
i want more games like this for you i guess, not every game needs explosions every 5 seconds.
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leatherhat posted 03/06/2011, 03:42
When people buy games like this it sends a message that this is what people want. So devs make more shit like it. When people buy bad games it directly effects everybody who plays the vidya.
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Conegamer posted 31/05/2011, 04:29
Agree with you Mr Puggsly. It's a great game which I enjoy, and well worth a purchase. You don't like it, well done. Get over it
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/05/2011, 01:23
@ leatherhat - I wish some people weren't so concerned about what other people enjoy. Nobody bothers you for having some mediocre games in your collection.
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leatherhat posted 27/05/2011, 02:04
I wish people bought better games
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jester2358 posted 26/05/2011, 11:40
awesome opening!
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xyorickx14 posted 26/05/2011, 04:53
its got a greater opening then rdr :)
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pariz posted 19/05/2011, 07:51
Love it.
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elmerFudd5 posted 19/05/2011, 01:21
yeh this game really puts you into the game and makes you what if a murder like that happened at the average smokin and drinkin spot
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ethanmars posted 18/05/2011, 11:31
550.000 copies sells in one day!!
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elmerFudd5 posted 18/05/2011, 12:07
great game it is like heavy rain meets rdr but its not like pressing buttons the whole time like hv i giv it a 9,3
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Munkeh111 posted 17/05/2011, 03:48
It's in the post! I can't wait
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Iveyboi posted 17/05/2011, 03:31
Picked it up
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delicious posted 16/05/2011, 01:45
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ethanmars posted 12/05/2011, 10:31
best game ever!
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ethanmars posted 12/05/2011, 10:31
cole phelps!! la noire film!!!
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ethanmars posted 12/05/2011, 10:31
heavy rain, rdr and la noire the best games of this generation
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ethanmars posted 12/05/2011, 10:30
el mejor juego de la historia
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ethanmars posted 12/05/2011, 10:30
the best game ever!!!
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SqueakySamurai posted 08/05/2011, 05:24
4.5 Lifetime, has way more advertising than Red Dead
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:03
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:03
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:03
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:03
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:03
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:02
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:02
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:02
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:02
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retardedramirez posted 07/05/2011, 09:02
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jester2358 posted 07/05/2011, 05:02
500k-700k week 1, rockstar name carries weight.
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nen-suer posted 31/01/2011, 08:07
Really looking forward for this...
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (91)

1 n/a 256,092 313,368 142,723 712,183
2 n/a 118,599 168,325 73,830 360,754
3 n/a 76,237 81,032 38,403 195,672
4 n/a 46,934 36,896 19,312 103,142
5 n/a 35,188 26,904 14,226 76,318
6 n/a 27,510 22,181 11,505 61,196
7 n/a 23,288 15,570 8,670 47,528
8 59,331 16,018 11,845 6,341 93,535
9 10,870 13,179 6,753 4,220 35,022
10 5,795 15,164 5,291 4,030 30,280
zumnupy10 posted 26/07/2013, 10:03
Really enjoyed thid game but I Rockstar won't make another game like this.
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AFFLICTION posted 26/02/2012, 10:28
Just picked up the complete edition for $40 & highly enjoying it!
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Iveyboi posted 04/01/2012, 06:30
Legs just DIED
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ROBOTECHHEAVEN posted 13/12/2011, 04:10
just bought this collection today at walmart for $19.99, was on sale.
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Heavenly_King posted 09/12/2011, 10:02
I think they should have waited for a "game of the year Edition" next year. People that bought the game at launch will feel ripted off.
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LupinIII posted 06/12/2011, 04:31
2 million.
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