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Apogee Software, Ltd.



Release Dates

10/23/91 Apogee
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Crystal Caves (PC) > Opinions (1)

Mise posted 24/06/2009, 06:50
I'm amazed this old thing was actually in the database.

Wasn't really that great, anyway. The levels were huge, though - which was compounded by the fact that you could only take three hits, and there were no life ups anywhere.

At least they had the decency to give the player infinite lives.
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Opinion (1)

Mise posted 24/06/2009, 06:50
I'm amazed this old thing was actually in the database.

Wasn't really that great, anyway. The levels were huge, though - which was compounded by the fact that you could only take three hits, and there were no life ups anywhere.

At least they had the decency to give the player infinite lives.
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