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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Monster Hunter 3 tri-

モンスターハンター3 (トライ)


Capcom Production Studio 1



Release Dates

04/20/10 Capcom
08/01/09 Capcom
04/23/10 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 439
Favorite: 71
Tracked: 21
Wishlist: 93
Now Playing: 64

Avg Community Rating:


Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) > Opinions (626)

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Falk Sturmfels posted 07/11/2010, 05:07
Let´s pray for an anouncement of MH 4
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Conegamer posted 06/11/2010, 09:55
@Falk yeah they were shipped, but that's still ~160,000 copies on shelves (which is far too high) and that assumes no copies were shipped in the past 3-4 months! So, I reckon it's closer to 1.75mil, maybe even 1.8mil...
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primogen18 posted 06/11/2010, 07:39
this will probably make it to 2 million this by this holiday's end
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Falk Sturmfels posted 06/11/2010, 04:14
Yeah, but weren´t that the SHIPPED pcs? Not the really sold ones, i guess.
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Conegamer posted 06/11/2010, 10:43
Link: , towards the bottom ;)
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Conegamer posted 06/11/2010, 10:43
Now, I'm not normally one to nitpick, but the wikia says it's sold 1.80mil WW as of July31st, soo...
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Conegamer posted 06/11/2010, 10:39
@fededx- you surely won't be disappointed, it's my favourite game of all time...
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Juma009 posted 06/11/2010, 01:48
Go, go, go
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Fededx posted 06/11/2010, 12:02
I'm buying it for xmas, seems to be such an amazing game...
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Conegamer posted 05/11/2010, 10:52
This game just keeps on selling, every sale is nother person who will hopefully get as much fun out of this game as I. If you don't have it yet then I couldn't persuade any game better than this one. It is truly the definition of amazing.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 05/11/2010, 01:39
Another good one! More than 12.000!
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Falk Sturmfels posted 29/10/2010, 06:38
Oh, great week, 9000 pcs sold!
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Conegamer posted 29/10/2010, 04:36
I firmly reckon it'll reach 2mil, with cuts
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Falk Sturmfels posted 29/10/2010, 04:35
I think this 1,63 Million is pretty good. When we look at the sales it still runs between 7. to 8.000 copies a week.
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bazmeistergen posted 29/10/2010, 08:29
Just need to say that this is now second in my most played Wii collection behind Animal Crossing (which is boosted by my wifenesses 90 hours)
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Conegamer posted 28/10/2010, 11:36
How can anyone call 1.7mil sales bad? It's far more than I was expecting, more than Capcom were expecting (especially for the west, they expected 500,000 by April 2011) and have made Capcom millions. How is that bad?
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GuyDuke posted 28/10/2010, 01:20
I'm so sad that a 70 M fanbase couldn't even drive better sales. Stupid people. I hope the 3DS corrects that, or Nintendo will have serious trouble in the near future.
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oni-link posted 25/10/2010, 09:12
@falk seeing how this game is undertracked it probably already sold 2 Million. According to Capcom's official report in July 10' it sold 1.8M copies with 690K being in westen countries.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 22/10/2010, 01:00
Well, I think this game can reach 2million. Its gonna take a while, but it looks like this one got legs. I´m playing it for 290 hours right now.
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Linkasf posted 31/05/2010, 01:32
I hope this game continues to stay on the charts for weeks on end. It's a really good game. Maybe it doesn't sell too well in the west because of the learning curve (It isnt as hard as some people make it out to be), and the second reason is that the name of the game isn't very catchy... or something like that. Anyway I'm living this game and playing it daily for hours and hours and hours. Before i know it... it's 3 AM or ever 4 am... I gotta slow down eh?
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kopstudent89 posted 30/05/2010, 08:36
Why what were their expectations for the west? And could you give us a link please? :)

And yes this game has lived up for the hype to me. But damn it's hard!!
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DavidValbu posted 30/05/2010, 06:53
One word to describe this game: AMAZING
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milkyjoe posted 30/05/2010, 04:08
It looks like it'll surpass their western LTD expectations next week. Not bad for what will be just 6 weeks of sales.

Considering some people thought it would never reach that target of course...
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oni-link posted 30/05/2010, 08:01
hmm...but doesn't Japan on VGC also include all of asia as well? I'm just saying this is MosDef undertracked and it'll show duing Capcom's quarterly/yearly statements as Capcom always discloses these things!!!
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kopstudent89 posted 29/05/2010, 05:21
Oh btw... i just got this game FINALLY!!! :D I'm gna play this along with galaxy after my finals :)
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kopstudent89 posted 29/05/2010, 05:16
no i think its good in japan. Plus the japan category in Capcom's reports represents all of asia. The game has been well tracked by Vgchartz to date.
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oni-link posted 29/05/2010, 08:20
" oni-link posted 28/05/2010, 09:50
The game is severly undertracked!!! It is undertracked in Japan by 110K units according to Capcom . And looking at the NPD numbers for April that don't account Canada and Mexico along with Amazon and Walmart (the Wii's biggest retailers) it is also undertracked in the Americas as well. Can't wait to see Capcom's quarterly to see how this game really did on the retail side!!! "

and that's just Capcom's sell thru ending March2010 so it's MosDef undertracked by a huge margin!!!
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Chrizum posted 29/05/2010, 04:45
According to VGChartz, over 112.000 copies are lying on the shelves in Japan. Most games in America don't even have that amount of copies on the shelves.

It's definitely undertracked. I think it's around 1.08m for Japan to be honest.
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scottie posted 29/05/2010, 03:23
110k units on shelves in Japan seems a bit high, so hopefully it is a tad undertracked :)

And spurgeonryan, it just recently broke the 1400 thous[sic] mark so how about you go troll someplace else
And by the way, VGChartz doesn't track Walmart either, but both NPD and VGChartz do estimate for walmart sales so you can't claim that as discrepency
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noname2200 posted 29/05/2010, 02:57
I am pessimistic that this game will have any legs. Too bad. :(

But if you have this game, join the site's members on hunts: check the official thread for details!
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DavidValbu posted 28/05/2010, 03:51
In Japan were 1.150.000 copies sold to retail, not to the costumer. Maybe there are 100.000 copies getting some dust in the Japanese shops.
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routsounmanman posted 28/05/2010, 03:08
Capcom list shipments, not retailer sell-through like Vgchartz or Media Create.

I agree with you about the West, I think this one's being undertracked, especially in the EU, and especially after week 3.
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oni-link posted 28/05/2010, 09:50
The game is severly undertracked!!! It is undertracked in Japan by 110K units according to Capcom . And looking at the NPD numbers for April that don't account Canada and Mexico along with Amazon and Walmart (the Wii's biggest retailers) it is also undertracked in the Americas as well. Can't wait to see Capcom's quarterly to see how this game really did on the retail side!!!
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curl-6 posted 28/05/2010, 08:07
@ spurgeonryan: Modern Warfare Reflex and Just Dance? ;)

Seriously though, there are tons, and this game won't have trouble breaking that barrier either, it's already at 390k in the west after only 5 weeks.
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Buzzi posted 27/05/2010, 04:29
Capcom expected just 500k? MH3 will pass that surely, it isn't possible to have less than "3xFW" legs for a Wii title...
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woopah posted 27/05/2010, 02:20
should surpass capcoms expectations of 500k in the west :)
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pmaster4 posted 27/05/2010, 01:59
It was a pleasant surprise to see someone send me a friend request after playing online
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IxisNaugus posted 27/05/2010, 02:25
Yes its down to the 4 digit numbers in both Others and Americas weekly from here on. Pretty confident that this will leg it out for a long time.
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DOLBYdigital posted 27/05/2010, 01:49
Could be better but 400 k for hardcore wii game is a good start. It should get above 5-600k before a price drop. Time to go back to slaying monsters :)
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DavidValbu posted 26/05/2010, 07:06
I must admit that I am a bit disappointed for those low sales on the fifth week in Others and America. Let's hope the game stabilizes at 20k per week. On the other hand, it may reach 2Millions after Chritsmas, so quite a good mark.
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Chrizum posted 26/05/2010, 02:43
400k sold in its first month isn't bad though. It's at least much, much better than any other Monster Hunter title.
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routsounmanman posted 26/05/2010, 02:40
Kinda disapointing legs
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Falk Sturmfels posted 26/05/2010, 01:23
Well, another 20.000 copies sold. Good.
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curl-6 posted 26/05/2010, 12:15
It should be remembered that when franchises change platforms as has happened here, some of it's fanbase will usually be lost in translation due to not owning the new platform.

Not every PSP has a Wii.
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Chrizum posted 25/05/2010, 10:47
Capcom is doing a much better job at advertizing than Nintendo.

I expected this to happen, as Nintendo only really advertizes their key-franchises.
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masterjedi posted 25/05/2010, 08:22
I also saw 3 adds during RAW. However, did you notice how many Red Dead Redemption adds there were during the same 2 hour span? At least 7!!! When companies want to advertise their games, they certainly do.
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roccerfeller posted 25/05/2010, 05:03
Not too shabby. The secret will be to keep telling people about the game.

Nintendo better be pulling their weight in the EU!
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BoneArk posted 25/05/2010, 03:17
Capcom is still advertising MH3 on TV. I saw 3 commercials of MH3 last night during WWE RAW.
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noname2200 posted 24/05/2010, 07:36
@ pmaster4:

Open your menu, then your Hunter's Notes. Point your Wiimote at the monster (even if you're using the Classic Controller), press A+B, drag the cursor to the bottom right corner, release.
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pmaster4 posted 24/05/2010, 02:23
can someone tell me how i can record monsters in the log, i sort of skipped through that part of the tutorial :(
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midorigreen posted 23/05/2010, 11:40
this game has already made over half the sales of MHFU in 4 weeks and as long as its legs stabilize to around 20k a week than this game will easily surpass MHFU especially since MH3 hasn't seen a holiday sales boost

I'd imagine that the sales will go down a bit due to release of SMG2 but this probably won't affect lifetime sales
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routsounmanman posted 23/05/2010, 06:48
I find it hard to believe a Nintendo game showing such lacklustre legs (EU at least). We'll see in the long run...
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Buzzi posted 23/05/2010, 12:04
no one is saying it will outsell MHFU WW, just in the west. Probably it has already considering shipment posted by Bruno. It wasn't that difficult becoming best selling MH in the west, it'll be more difficult to become a million seller just in the west, but with Wii you never know which type of legs games will have...
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kkkasd posted 23/05/2010, 09:07
I do NOT think this will outsell MHFU. It's still 3 million sales away. Even with lets say 20K sales each week it's a long, long way away.

MH3P on the other hand may outsell MHFU. It already has around 200K pre-orders in Japan alone and doesn't even have a release date.
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johnsobas posted 23/05/2010, 05:05
MH3 has already probably outshipped MHFU, MH3 has sold 370k to customers in the west while MHFU has shipped 450k. If a week or 2 it will probably outsell it.
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Bruno Muñoz posted 22/05/2010, 10:59
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite shipment in the West is 450k.
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hunter_alien posted 22/05/2010, 04:47
The game has a fairly good chance at selling 800k LT in the west now, if they cut the price in a couple of months and word of mouth will remain strong.

Still, the last 2 MH games all did ~700k LT shipment in the west, plus Unite has online sales to look out for to. SO with all the adds and controller bundles this got, IMO this underdelivered a bit in the west...
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megaman79 posted 22/05/2010, 03:05
Train wreck, Capcom was stupid for forecasting those kinds of numbers for LP2.
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Buzzi posted 22/05/2010, 09:08
Thunking now how well PSP Monster Hunter performed I'm more confident in MH3 many Wii games had worse legs than PSP games? Just few...
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Train wreck posted 22/05/2010, 06:57

Ah I get it now, Capcom should sacrifice profit for a game that may or may not sell more than its predecessors. Given Capcom already has a deep hole with Lost Planet 2 this quarter, I'm sure they are not looking to go 2 for 2.

Also cutting the price of a game is not always a guarantee of greater sales for a sustained period
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Siko1989 posted 22/05/2010, 05:32
this game is selling fine, 20k it will be 400k, lifetime will be over a million.. maybe black Friday would help sale boost in october
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Train wreck posted 22/05/2010, 05:27
Monster Hunter already had a history in the west, if anything Tri is just going to match the sales of that of the newest PSP version ( though week 4 sales of Tri is trending below that of MHFU) which doesn't really advance the brand in the West, which is something Capcom can't be pleased with.
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Salnax posted 22/05/2010, 04:29
Why are people complaining about the sales in the Americas? in a month or so, this is going to outsell Monster Hunter Freedom. Considering the legs of Wii games, it is entirely possible that this game will overtake Freedom Unite and even Freedom 2 by the end of the year.
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-PaNdOrA- posted 22/05/2010, 04:21
Then why do you even bother posting??
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Mubtee posted 22/05/2010, 03:04
@megaman79 What do you care? Sometimes I say things when I feel like blabbing, as people are prone to do. Some fanboy/fanatic always has to come with the nerd rage about their pet system and their tears. Anyhow, blame it on whatever makes you feel better. This one was decently advertised and is a well known franchise, I thought it would do better. Meh, I don't really care either way.
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SnowFlow posted 21/05/2010, 10:33
2 million by start of 2011
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megaman79 posted 21/05/2010, 08:34
@mubtee, considering your low post count and infrequent visits in gonna guess that you're a developer who is just BEGGING for reassurance, despite many of your titles not doing THAT well on the PS360 Combo. Just a guess.

What do you really expect when NO GAMES AT ALL have been properly funded and marketed for over 3 years? One game turns it around? Not likely.
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Mubtee posted 21/05/2010, 08:09
Hmm. Didn't do nearly as well North America as I expected. The core gamer market on Wii is in worse shape than I expected.
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DOLBYdigital posted 21/05/2010, 07:29
Man I cannot stop playing this game, its so refreshing and I love the challenge. Good old school type game that actually challenges the gamer and isn't made 'accessible' for profits (ie. regen health, easy ai, scripted patterns etc)

Really can't wait to see what the Monster Hunter 4 will be like :)
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JTurner82 posted 21/05/2010, 06:40
Indeed. Because this game is actually doing quite well for an unknown franchise in America. Most third party titles would be lucky to crack that number, but I doubt Capcom or Nintendo are disappointed. As mentioned, this is much more than any previous MH has sold, so it's nowhere near a failure.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 21/05/2010, 01:42
@mods: Please delete @PeteyPeeps stupid comment.
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PeteyPeeps posted 21/05/2010, 12:28
WOW what a flop ... and rightly so, disapointing game, disapointing sales.
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leatherhat posted 21/05/2010, 08:01
I wonder how long it will take to outsell monster hunter freedom unite in the west
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Product posted 20/05/2010, 11:21
It sold 200k in a month in Americas. What more do you want? Marketing could only have cost so much for the West , Capcom should be very happy with the launch of this.
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Tuulikk posted 20/05/2010, 10:37
Monster Hunter 3 is now one of the top 50 games on Wii after 4 weeks in America and Others and by the looks of it, it will only go up.

Maybe the sales ain't perfect, but that still strong for any game, especially when so many core games fall from grace on Wii.
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younghavok posted 20/05/2010, 09:22
this game will sell more then Capcoms other big title at the moment. Lost Planet 2. It debuted higher and I believe its legs will take it farther. Its doing pretty damn good so far. 200k in NA, 170k in Others. When the price drops sales will jump even more. Capcom has to be happy with this
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curl-6 posted 20/05/2010, 08:34
It's selling well given that it's a niche title in the West. Look at the sales for the PS2 and PSP entries outside Japan...
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Product posted 20/05/2010, 08:22
The game is selling fine. You guys want to much from this title. Come back and check the sales in 3 months and see where it is at, then discuss.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 20/05/2010, 08:14
@buzzi: Yeah, the marketing was huge, thats right. But it will keep selling. This week it was again close to 30.000 which brings nearly to 400.000 pieces.
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Buzzi posted 20/05/2010, 07:06
@Falk I know it is not a CoD, and that every third party Wii game sold just in the long run...but still I'm not impressed by sales so far, first week was really good, like 2nd week in Others...but then it felt too much. It can sell like Punch Out (10-15k every week to million!) or like Madworld (stabilizing around 5-7k, considering the bigger launch that would mean minimum 600k) or like Muramasa (with a bigger launch but bad legs, 500k maximum). I would say that 5-600k is obvious, but with the big marketing and the great effort put into Monster Hunter 3 it's not enough. But I know it's too early to speak...
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routsounmanman posted 20/05/2010, 06:11
Retailer support (or lack of) is a much more serious reason lots of "core" Wii games underperform, than piracy.

My local retailer has currently : 4 copies of NSMBWii, 4 copies of EA Sports Active, tons of crappy exercise games and just 1 copy of MH3! (NMH2, TvC, Little King's Story, etc never got stocked >_>)
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Falk Sturmfels posted 20/05/2010, 06:02
@buzzi: The Game will reach with a good momentum 500.000 sales in our regions. That´s a lot these days for an unpopular franchise in the west. Call of Duty is not a good example, because it was hyped with the other versions. Compare it to other games!
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Buzzi posted 20/05/2010, 01:52
@Falk I'm not sure, I hoped it would come to 30k sales in 6-7 weeks, this is its 4th week won't be over 20k. I don't understand why people stopped buying Wii games, there can't be 60million pirates in Wii's userbase!
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Falk Sturmfels posted 20/05/2010, 07:31
Well, sales are as expected. It should be around the same numbers in the us. Legs will be about 20.000 weekly, I guess.
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Product posted 19/05/2010, 11:11
Hmm interesting.....I just noticed that Monster Hunter only went down one slot in Germany GFK charts (Germany, being the third biggest VG market in Europe) and some how this week it only did 13k?
I say this is being undertracked in Europe right now.
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Product posted 19/05/2010, 11:06
@ Megaman79
Why is that debatable?
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Buzzi posted 19/05/2010, 03:49
Sharply down, I didn't expect this! Legs, come here!
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megaman79 posted 18/05/2010, 04:24
More estimates, and this time NPD's numbers are highly debatable.
"Monster Hunter Tri, released Apr. 20, ranked No. 11 in Apr. U.S. retail data by NPD Group Inc., moving between 108,000 and 143,000 units in the first 10 days of sale."

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Product posted 17/05/2010, 01:53
This will have legs in Europe. It is still int he top 20 Amazon in Germany. In France Amazon it is 7 in bestsellers.
I say Others pulls more legs than Americas in the end.
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megaman79 posted 15/05/2010, 01:59
DAMN IT, finished only 4 thousand sales outside the top ten. Would have been nice to have seen it there, if only to shut some people up.
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huaxiong90 posted 15/05/2010, 10:45's up to legs at this point.
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bmmb1 posted 15/05/2010, 08:58
@Pierreism, while there are never any guarantees for legs, why should Capcom prey? A lot of Wii games had a much much weaker start than MH3 only to sell very nicely over time, with no advertising whatsoever.
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bmmb1 posted 15/05/2010, 08:53
Again: look at the NPD thread by The Source, VGC had the number for the US at 133k, not 150k nor 138k. That difference is negligible.
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Siko1989 posted 15/05/2010, 06:54
i hope Monster Hunter keeps growing into an Audience in Europe and America
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aoixgp posted 15/05/2010, 03:49
I love the online and I hope the community can be sustained fr a long time.
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SaviorX posted 14/05/2010, 10:26
I would also venture a guess at 31k next week (1.5k/16.5k/13k for Week 4***).
***Not Week 4 in Japan.

As for the under/overrtacking, VGC is spot on, deal with it.
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Pierreism posted 14/05/2010, 07:33
Aww, it's a lil spud of an opening. I doubt the advertising will be as relentless from now on so I'd pray for legs if I was Capcom.
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Buzzi posted 14/05/2010, 06:02
Who can possibly think that an error of 10k is something important? NPD is not God, as VGC isn't, they can't track sales precise to the error of 10-20k is understandable even on total sales of 50k...we're speaking of a game which sold 330k in 3 weeks, 10-20k is nothing, it can't be called an undertracking. 35k WW next week is my guess (and hope).
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Chrizum posted 14/05/2010, 01:40
VGChartz has it at around 138k. So the game is "overtracked" by about 12k according to NPD. That's less than 10% difference, so the sales numbers are statistically correct.
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kopstudent89 posted 14/05/2010, 10:47
Well i assumed that Canada numbers were abt 10k'sh... anywasy true numbers are solid! if thats the case then no adjustments needed :)
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bmmb1 posted 14/05/2010, 09:36
@kopstudent89 you are wrong, if 126k is the NPD number, then (assuming you believe NPD numbers more than VGC) the VGC overtracking is by 7k, not 20k. VGC numbers for the US (as opposed to all of America) were 133k.
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kopstudent89 posted 14/05/2010, 07:16
Ok not bad!!Maybe overtracked by abt 20k. But 126k is very good nonetheless! i'm pleased :)
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kevinrize posted 14/05/2010, 07:06
@megaman79 that was for april i think
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megaman79 posted 14/05/2010, 07:04
Just posting a link to some news that might be right, or might be wrong.

NPD - 126k -
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scottie posted 14/05/2010, 03:42
@ darth - they made the game with classic controls and then added in motion support as an extra control option
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ash3336 posted 14/05/2010, 02:20
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marcianito posted 14/05/2010, 01:52
it has legs yay
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masschamber posted 14/05/2010, 01:40
it is like the psp games, but plays a lot more smoothly with a softer learning curve, plus it has online, which really helps in this game
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darthdevidem01 posted 14/05/2010, 12:49
@RDBRaptor & Ixis

ok thanks, I was just wondering cus I thought due to motion controls the gameplay may change.
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RDBRaptor posted 14/05/2010, 12:20

It's essentially the same as the PSP games, if you didn't like the gameplay in the PSP versions you'll most likely not like the Wii version either.
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IxisNaugus posted 13/05/2010, 09:07
@ darth.

Probably not. Then again I haven't tried either so you should probably get opinions from more informed individuals.

I didn't expect the Others drop to be that substantial given the second weeks sales in comparison to week 1. I'm not going to give up though, still holding out on those long legs.
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darthdevidem01 posted 13/05/2010, 07:52
should I buy it if I hated the PSP one?
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amp316 posted 13/05/2010, 03:35
This game is all kinds of awesome. Buy it if you haven't.
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c0rd posted 13/05/2010, 02:23
Over a 50% drop in Others this week. Hm.

Hang in there!
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Falk Sturmfels posted 13/05/2010, 12:40
Legs will be around 15-20.000 weekly in others and us combined. Not that bad.
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Jumpin posted 13/05/2010, 12:24
Hopefully sales improve, it would be very nice if this title rivalled Japan in sales, although it doesn't look like that will happen at this point.
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Siko1989 posted 13/05/2010, 10:47
gerry they do that when they are updating the weekly numbers
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Nintendogamer posted 13/05/2010, 10:31
Sales have all gone!
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DOLBYdigital posted 13/05/2010, 01:17
Personally think the wiimote and nunchuck controls are a perfect blend of buttons and movement. They are very intuitive and easy to grasp at least for me but I play lots of Wii games :) Phenomenal game using any control method and should be in your library if it isn't yet.
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intro94 posted 12/05/2010, 06:23
@awesome well it takes a bit to get used to them. I played with both Classic(excellent) and also the wiimote combo, the wii controls take far longer than one night to master but eventually it will be natural to you(make sure to turn the shake-sheathe off)
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Falk Sturmfels posted 12/05/2010, 12:29
I use Remote and Nunchuk and it´s ok. Just aiming with the D-Pad for the Crossbow is weird.
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hentai_11 posted 12/05/2010, 10:20
@AwesomeElmo: The controls differ also depending on your weapon of choice. I am quite happy with the Wiimote and nunchuck combo and my sword and shield armament. However I heard the great sword is better with the classic controller.
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noname2200 posted 12/05/2010, 03:54
Perhaps you guys are correct about the legs, but I've seen plenty of good games not have phenomenal legs. The reason we all remember Modern Warfare is that it really is exceptional.


The Classic Controller is a big improvement over the standard Wiimote/Nunchuk. It's still not perfect, though.
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AwesomeElmo posted 12/05/2010, 03:39
I played this game last night. The game overall is quite good but the controls are a big disappointment. I haven't played using the classic controller but I can't see it being much better personally. Capcom really needs to work on its understanding of the wii controls if they really want to hit the ball out of the park with one of their games.
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SaviorX posted 11/05/2010, 10:20
The price did drop pretty quick on MH3 in Japan, but as far as I know, it is because a specific bundle was overstated and one was understated.

Since we are one the topic of bundles, those missing 100k could also be from bundled Wiis. Capcom might have counted those or something and VGC/Famitsu didn't. Also, a few thousand could have been imported.
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Chrizum posted 11/05/2010, 10:09
I'm predicting 30k Americas and 35k Others for week 3.
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Buzzi posted 11/05/2010, 06:39
Mmh probably you're right, I hope a bit more in the Americas, 70k WW would be really good, 60k is more probable though. I'm playing this and definitely it's great! Difficult for me, but great!
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hellraider posted 11/05/2010, 05:42
@shipped in JP talk
I remember retailers creating a list with the games they were most disappointing on their sales.MH3 was no1 as far as I remember which means lots of copies are in the retailers' hands.
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megaman79 posted 11/05/2010, 05:53
@Cobretti2, interesting that you say that.
According to this >
Capcom didn't ship enough bundles.
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SaviorX posted 10/05/2010, 08:09
In terms of this week (W3) I'm guessing, 31k Others, and 28k Americas. Japan will make it an even 60k.

Capcom stated they shipped 1.15m over there, but I can't imagine 100k rogue copies on shelves.
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routsounmanman posted 10/05/2010, 05:08
A quality game with strong online always has strong legs, noname2200. See Call of Duty.
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noname2200 posted 10/05/2010, 05:00
I think you folks have more faith in its legs than I do.
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DrYon posted 09/05/2010, 11:53
What the anti-Wii fanboys's excuse to expose this as a sales failure now?
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SaviorX posted 09/05/2010, 07:57
It won't need a greatest hits to reach 2 million.......
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Cobretti2 posted 09/05/2010, 01:24
i'm still waiting for the bundle pro controller version to arrive.
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scottie posted 09/05/2010, 06:14
2 million certainly possible, especially if it gets a 'greatest hits' release, like all the PSP ones have
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Smeags posted 09/05/2010, 05:39
This is now the 10th best selling Wii game this year. Congrats MHT!
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Salnax posted 09/05/2010, 02:49
This could reach two million worldwide eventually.
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huaxiong90 posted 08/05/2010, 08:42
Excellent second week.
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jeffrey9999 posted 08/05/2010, 07:45
983,211k sold 1st 2weeks and I can't wait to total the whole 10weeks..............
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jeffrey9999 posted 08/05/2010, 07:41
I think 320k sold in america and others next week witch is good especially for a monster hunter game...........
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jeffrey9999 posted 08/05/2010, 07:37
this is my 1st time witnessing a wii game do this good, and I know somebody whose still getting it once they find the bundle deal also plus wii sales are going to go up again with the improved black wii that I think is battery powered and now comes with wiisports resort, wii motion plus and 25% off a pre order if you buy a wii so hopefully that helps alot and probably will but I think the deal only goes on for, 4more days................
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Ostro posted 08/05/2010, 06:11
I thought Nintendo wants to push this game with ads and stuff? Haven't noticed anything yet.
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noname2200 posted 08/05/2010, 05:56
Quite the quality game. I'm very pleasantly surprised.
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IxisNaugus posted 08/05/2010, 04:17
Wow this may have pretty good legs in Others territories, the second week drop was not as big as I expected.
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SaviorX posted 08/05/2010, 03:34
425k in the West by Week 6?
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ljlrj posted 08/05/2010, 02:59
game doing great
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roccerfeller posted 08/05/2010, 02:26
its selling better than any MH (or it looks like it will) in NA and stop freaking out ppl.

lets give it a year. Wii games have legs
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Falk Sturmfels posted 07/05/2010, 03:11
The next two weeks will give us a taste of the legs.
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burning_phoneix posted 07/05/2010, 02:02

Portable gaming in Japan is huge, bigger than console gaming. Plus, in Japan this game has fees for online play.
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johnsobas posted 07/05/2010, 06:15
i saw more dark void ads here in the US than i did for MH3, oh well.
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Voltaire posted 07/05/2010, 04:57

No, Capcom handled all the marketing in America, and Nintendo did the same in Europe. I can comment on the quality of Nintendos efforts in Europe (keep in mind that this is the company that won dozens of awards for marketing), but Capcoms efforts werent bad. They werent nearly as wide spread or common as BattleField 2 or the new SplittersCell, but they werent as bad as Red Steel 2.
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megaman79 posted 07/05/2010, 03:18
@Voltaire, you mean Nintendo dropped the ads, right?
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killeryoshis posted 07/05/2010, 02:06
I was right for America, I was just 5k away

Anyway I think this game will stablelize in 10k to 15k in America
Europe always has the best legs. It'll proberly a little lower in Europe like 8k to 13k

Putting its average to 18k to 28k a week. At that rate it could take 2 to 3 months to be a million seller
in the west
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Voltaire posted 07/05/2010, 12:09
Oh, and the launch numbers for Australia were added into the Others week 2, just take that into account.
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Voltaire posted 07/05/2010, 12:08
Capcom dropped the tv ads in America several weeks ago. There was very little commersial advertising pre-launch, then solid support for the week or so of launch, then nothing.

I still think that 3rd partries, in orer to tap into the mainstream Wii market in America, need to use heavy TV ads, as that media is the most common amoung "nongamers".
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Chrizum posted 06/05/2010, 10:53
Big drop in America, but the sales are still great in my opinion. 285k in 2 weeks is absolutely amazing for a series like Monster Hunter.
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Barozi posted 06/05/2010, 08:23
pretty good sales
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DOLBYdigital posted 06/05/2010, 06:48
All platforms need more games like this one. Simply amazing and the online co-op is very well done and very addicting. Really looking forward to see where the series goes from here :)
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BoneArk posted 06/05/2010, 03:34
Hopefully the black Wii will help the sales. It's still doing great.
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c0rd posted 06/05/2010, 03:30
Others over America, this is madness!

Though I expected as much, 55k second week for Others is pretty high.
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Buzzi posted 06/05/2010, 02:15
Well, hopefully Americas next week will start showing some legs (30-35k), I really didn't think it was that frontloaded...still, it sold 300k in west in 2 weeks, it was the LTD prediction by someone!!
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bmmb1 posted 06/05/2010, 12:59
@davidvalbu - what hiska-kun said, plus Others second week was for some countries the first week, e.g. for Australia
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Falk Sturmfels posted 06/05/2010, 12:58
Gentlemen - it doesn´t matter WHERE it is selling! At least IT IS selling. Almost 300.000 iin two weeks! I say it will stop around 750.000. There should be enough momentum to reach this.
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hiska-kun posted 06/05/2010, 12:34

Because the first week in europe was only 2 days. And Monster Hunter is more popular in europe than americas.
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DavidValbu posted 06/05/2010, 12:30
How are those America second week sales posible? Lower than Others second week?
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Siko1989 posted 06/05/2010, 12:01
the other sales are going fantastic, i wonder what the America sales would be? around 80k?
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gogetas posted 06/05/2010, 10:50
buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it
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scottie posted 06/05/2010, 08:10
megadrive - because no games or consoles have data for the week ending 1st of may yet. Maybe tomorrow
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MegaDrive08 posted 06/05/2010, 07:43
Hoe come the second week in america is not on yet?
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marcianito posted 06/05/2010, 04:07
decent second week in others
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Chrizum posted 05/05/2010, 08:56
@DrYon: It's mostly DmeisterJ trolling the Wii there, who is known to be an enormous crybaby on VGChartz too.
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dampowell posted 05/05/2010, 08:27
Holding up amazing in others... Hopefully America Holds up.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 05/05/2010, 07:48
Shit. Man, i thought i could resist against all those "yeah, i play it for 200 hours now"-idiots at my main site.

Today, i bought it. Damn, i think its gonna eat my time.
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IxisNaugus posted 05/05/2010, 05:49
With good word of mouth and advertising this may actually hold up for a long time in Others. Can't wait to see Americas 2nd week sales.
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Faxanadu posted 05/05/2010, 03:25
I am very impressed at the sales.
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TheConduit posted 05/05/2010, 03:19
Soon overtake Monster Hunter 1 PSP
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Metallicube posted 05/05/2010, 08:01
great hold up for the 2nd week in others! This game may just pull off my prediction of 1 million in the West.
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Buzzi posted 05/05/2010, 06:57
I was right on my prediction for 2nd Others week, good! Hopefully next week will be around 35-40k, marching fastly to 400-500k. I also expect 65k in Americas, we'll see.
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GuyDuke posted 05/05/2010, 03:13
Wow it shows excellent legs in Others!
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DrYon posted 05/05/2010, 01:00
Take a look at this thread at NeoGAF.

LOL at the anti-Wii crowd desesperate in need to expose this as a bomb. Why Sony and MS fanboys wet their paints when a big third-party title gets good sales on a Nintendo platform? It's so stupid it's funny.
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killeryoshis posted 04/05/2010, 11:45
Also I expect a harsh drop because its a hyped game. I'm putting my money on 50k
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routsounmanman posted 04/05/2010, 10:45
*laughs at killeryoshis' FAIL*
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killeryoshis posted 03/05/2010, 10:08
*laughs at the people who believe me*
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ljlrj posted 03/05/2010, 06:49
@killeryoshis ur kidding right
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killeryoshis posted 02/05/2010, 08:26
*wonders if anyone believes the comment below*
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killeryoshis posted 02/05/2010, 08:26
Poor 3rd parties This game is a perfect example on why 3rd parties can't sell. The game is the lowest selling in the franchise ever. By alot to.
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Kihniö posted 02/05/2010, 07:49
Yes! Ordered the game + controller pro, backage
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Linkasf posted 02/05/2010, 04:35
This is definitely one of the best Wii games out there. It is also one of the most deep games this gen that I have played. Over ten hours in and I have a lot to do :P Very interesting game that has a lot of staying power in terms of playing the game. Can't wait to play more of it after my exams.
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allenmaher posted 02/05/2010, 01:37
After my first few days playing this... All I can say is awesome. This is just the sort of game I was waiting for on the Wii... it looks great. The wiimote controls could use some improvement.. the classic controller pro works well though.
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jeffrey9999 posted 01/05/2010, 11:33
nintendo should help 3rd parties with other bundles
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Voltaire posted 01/05/2010, 09:14
Id like to know what the Bundle to standalone ratio for the launch was....
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stimpi13 posted 01/05/2010, 06:03
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Davey1983 posted 01/05/2010, 03:30
@ spurgeonryan,
While I agree that Nintendo needs to go after Hackers-- every online game suffers from hackers. Also, what do you mean when you say "if Nintendo wants to save the Wii"?
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megaman79 posted 01/05/2010, 03:19
@huaxiong90, maybe. I noticed a disclaimer pop up in the chat window while i was online earlier.
Still, there didn't seem to be a system update when i first played it.
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coonana posted 01/05/2010, 09:35
we need a confirmation on these numbers.
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scottie posted 01/05/2010, 07:15
Anecdotal evidence from down under. Checked 5 shops today, all had sold out of the controller bundle, 4 had sold out of the standalone game. MH3 released in Aus on the 29th, so this upcoming week of data is launch week.
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gvangoeverden posted 01/05/2010, 01:15
I am so addicted to this game its scary!!
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Seferoth75 posted 30/04/2010, 11:49
I could be wrong but isnt this a record opening for a core 3rd party title on Wii? 745k first week sales across all 3 regions.
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huaxiong90 posted 30/04/2010, 09:08
@Timber8wolf: Capcom can know if a game is hacked, which results in an immediate ban, if I'm not mistaken.
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 1   2   3   4   5   7 

Shipping Total

1,900,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (626)

killeryoshis posted 26/01/2018, 01:21
300+ hours in this game. So much wasted time be honest I would do it again
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ExplodingBlock posted 07/09/2014, 10:15
3DS version outsold this
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curl-6 posted 22/05/2013, 07:21
Proof that hardcore games could and did sell well on Wii if they were well made and advertised.
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IamAwsome posted 19/01/2013, 10:32
The servers go down in April. This game had a good run, but it's time for the Wii U game.
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SSJGohan3972 posted 08/01/2013, 12:08
It very well could, I plan to pick it up and already had it on the Wii. Coming out early on the Wii U with little competition should help it, plus the 3DS cross play which I think a lot of people will find intriguing.
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SlayerRondo posted 21/09/2012, 01:48
Hoping Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the WiiU can pull off some impressive numbers as well.

PS: I know it's still 3 but also in HD and with tons of New monsters not seen on the Wii version or outside Japan.
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