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EA Vancouver



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Release Dates

09/29/17 EA Sports
09/29/17 Electronic Arts
09/29/17 EA Sports

Community Stats

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FIFA 18 (NS) > Opinions (27)

PAOerfulone posted 05/09/2018, 11:26
Ok, so right before August. I have underestimated how well FIFA could sell on the Switch. And this is the first game on the system.
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xboxonefan posted 05/09/2018, 09:36
A million
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xboxonefan posted 05/09/2018, 09:36
1 mi
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fedfed posted 05/09/2018, 02:16
1 Mil!!!! Yuppie!
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PAOerfulone posted 13/08/2018, 08:03
At a rate of 10k werkly, it should pass 1 million somewhere around mid-late August. Just in time before FIFA 19.
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Arfen posted 09/07/2018, 05:36
Wasn't Switch version selling around 1.5 times more than PS4 version in Japan?? then why is PS4 version 30k above???
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curl-6 posted 24/06/2018, 01:59
Since FIFA 19 will cut the game's legs I'm interested to see if it'll cross a million physical. Including digital it will easily.
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alejollorente10 posted 08/06/2018, 10:35
It will be interesting to follow the sales of FIFA 19 and compare them with this one, since this year the user base is wider and that this promises to be a better version than the previous one
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curl-6 posted 03/06/2018, 02:15
Must have sold well enough for EA; FIFA 19 has been confirmed for Switch
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friendlyfamine posted 25/04/2018, 06:20
The NA sales for FIFA are actually pretty good. It's like, about 1/5 of the PS4 version's sales. Meanwhile, Europe's numbers aren't very good, about 1/20. It really tells us about how different the US and EU audiences are on Switch and PS4.
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xMetroid posted 26/02/2018, 10:18
The game is selling well tbh. 550k and it will pick up a lot in February with the price cut in UK. It will eventually reach the million for sure.
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Green098 posted 19/02/2018, 08:42
It's recent price cuts are definitely making it a better sell.
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Chrizum posted 23/01/2018, 12:56
Fastest selling FIFA on a Nintendo console ever. It's guaranteed to sell over a million so I'm sure EA is satisfied (for what it's worth).
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Redguy posted 14/01/2018, 11:24
I can see it selling 600k by the end of 2017 especially with the legs we saw on media create
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Flilix posted 19/12/2017, 04:42
I think that sales will be decent during the Christmas weeks.
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TimothyDalton posted 18/12/2017, 12:59
Could potentially be the Fifa with most sales on a Nintendo console. 500k beats Wii U, 1m+ to beat one of the Wii fifas. Hope this gets a boost near Christmas.
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KrspaceT posted 25/11/2017, 05:42
NBA was launched digitally first. A physical version came later, and it did linger on the Eshop top list for a good while.
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Zach808 posted 23/11/2017, 09:41
NBA 2K18 wasn’t a disaster. Take Two said they were happy with the numbers. This, on the other hand...
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Mr Puggsly posted 22/11/2017, 01:45
Was Fifa 13 on Wii U feature complete? Because it only sold about 500K.

Lets face it guys, the audience for this type of game hasn't proven to be significant on Switch.

Meanwhile NBA 2K18 was a disaster as well on Switch.
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FloatingWaffles posted 18/11/2017, 10:09
These sales are only for when it launched so far and that was already almost 2 months ago. Could have sold a lot more during all this time since then, plus there's the upcoming holidays where it could sell well as a game people get when they're new Switch owners.
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Marcusius posted 18/11/2017, 06:09
Darwinianevolution - If you have a game with missing features on console A but you have all the features on console B for the same price, which one will you choose?

Do I have to remind you the track record of bad ports, bad games and bad decisions for this 3rd party studio?
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Darwinianevolution posted 18/11/2017, 01:26
For a Fifa game's first weeks sales on a console that is selling like hotcakes right now... this is pathetic. Serves EA right for limiting the retail release and for cutting down so many mods and corners with it.
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gentii posted 18/11/2017, 01:03
friendlyfamine why not for a FiFA 18 whith issue and missing League Battles and The Journey ??

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friendlyfamine posted 18/11/2017, 12:03
Not gonna lie, but this isn't too great. I think if the first week sales were 250k I think that would've been acceptable by EA's standards. FIFA could've been a great opportunity to ameliorate Europe's sales but I guess we'll just have to rely on Mario, Pokemon and Animal Crossing (hopefully) to give Europe a boost.
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Chrizum posted 18/11/2017, 11:41
Opening week is about 7.2 times better than FIFA 13 on Wii U. Still I don't think EA will bring more FIFA titles to Switch as they abandon PS3 and 360.
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gentii posted 18/11/2017, 08:07
Not Bad? how FiFA 18 is in Digital Mode ?? EA need to support better the Nintendo Switch
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Paatar posted 18/11/2017, 02:23
If I Was EA, I’d personally be happy with these week one sales. 0.11m is fine for the Switch. And it’ll probably have some decent legs. I could see it going to at least 0.60m in less than a year. Ugh EA...
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (27)

1 12,696 23,729 68,677 9,303 114,405
2 4,416 14,469 26,584 4,755 50,224
3 3,089 9,146 20,182 3,209 35,626
4 2,065 7,182 15,308 2,487 27,042
5 1,838 9,172 14,642 2,882 28,534
6 1,737 6,682 11,765 2,165 22,349
7 1,235 7,074 13,759 2,370 24,438
8 1,194 6,793 12,235 2,218 22,440
9 1,643 12,837 21,674 4,104 40,258
10 2,065 7,930 20,100 2,938 33,033
PAOerfulone posted 05/09/2018, 11:26
Ok, so right before August. I have underestimated how well FIFA could sell on the Switch. And this is the first game on the system.
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xboxonefan posted 05/09/2018, 09:36
A million
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xboxonefan posted 05/09/2018, 09:36
1 mi
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fedfed posted 05/09/2018, 02:16
1 Mil!!!! Yuppie!
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PAOerfulone posted 13/08/2018, 08:03
At a rate of 10k werkly, it should pass 1 million somewhere around mid-late August. Just in time before FIFA 19.
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Arfen posted 09/07/2018, 05:36
Wasn't Switch version selling around 1.5 times more than PS4 version in Japan?? then why is PS4 version 30k above???
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