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PC, PS3, X360, XOne

Release Dates

11/06/15 Activision
11/06/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/06/15 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 31
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 3
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Now Playing: 1

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (71)

1 143,303 1,115,289 1,682,481 658,746 3,599,819
2 44,218 466,277 640,058 264,892 1,415,445
3 19,476 219,900 346,816 132,389 718,581
4 13,782 348,226 411,531 186,791 960,330
5 11,243 276,634 319,681 147,186 754,744
6 9,069 304,836 246,387 144,614 704,906
7 5,969 401,750 297,675 186,101 891,495
8 6,522 444,464 350,931 209,475 1,011,392
9 11,145 123,164 193,496 74,025 401,830
10 7,818 44,336 77,265 27,911 157,330
CarriedLawyer45 posted 03/08/2020, 07:42
The campaign was pretty weird but the multiplayer was great.
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Replicant posted 25/10/2018, 11:27
The gen isn't over yet but it looks like neither COD BO3 or Pokémon will end up as the best selling SKU of 8th gen. Instead GTA V just keeps on selling and selling (I wonder what physical and digital combined is at). An SKU on PS ending 1st in a gen hasn't happened since GTA San Andreas on PS2.

Top 3 SKU's in 6th gen (physical only):
1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
3. Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (GBA)

Top 3 SKU's in 7th gen (physical only):
1. Wii Sports (Wii)
2. Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)

Top 3 SKU's in 8th gen (physical only):
1. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)
2. Pokémon X/Y (3DS)
3. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (PS4)

Though if we include digital, BO3 and quite a few other SKUs on PS4 likely beat Pokémon X/Y.
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nexsus posted 06/10/2016, 11:32
I am forcing myself to finish the single player campaign,it's probably the worst cod SP i have played,i can't believe the numbers it has sold it does'nt deserve it and am not cod hating,i love bops1 and 2 and of course mw2 but they are unplayable because of hacked lobbies,who thinks modern warfare remastered will be possible to get separate?I don't want advanced warfare am not buying it.
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AbrahamHamdan posted 22/09/2016, 02:08
it's gonna outsell Black ops 2 next week :D
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Kerotan posted 21/09/2016, 02:51
14 million!! It's coming for its throne as best selling game of the generation!
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Ryng posted 09/09/2016, 01:49

Well 22 million estimate is by end of March 2016, right now is obvius higher, so are PS4 versio sales :)

With GTA VI i'm not sure what think. I believe R* will release GTA VI just before the end of gen 8, and by starting gen 9, to be a launch title for PS5 / XB2 and for have the most higher installed base of PS4 / XBO, similar to what's happen with GTA V but this time withouth a year of difference for the next gen version, more like 2/3 months.

So i'm not sure how well PS4 version sales will be, should be very high cause at launch will be the platform with the biggest installed base, but PS5 version should hurt it's sales, and well of course the others platforms.
As for the total, GTA V should be something like 70 million, and with insane legs i can see it selling 100 million lifetime, i don't see GTA VI sells so much crazy, but will still be insane, maybe 50-70 million LT... then that's just what i think, who know.
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