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Release Dates

02/16/16 Capcom
02/18/16 Capcom
02/16/16 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 17
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

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Street Fighter V - Sales History

Sales history currently under construction...

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (62)

1 42,958 173,549 94,944 74,808 386,259
2 10,133 44,170 28,031 19,681 102,015
3 5,442 21,487 16,836 10,106 53,871
4 3,110 10,660 8,991 5,120 27,881
5 2,856 6,383 7,112 3,353 19,704
6 1,943 5,407 5,103 2,687 15,140
7 1,877 5,473 5,373 2,754 15,477
8 1,550 5,677 5,033 2,766 15,026
9 955 4,151 3,841 2,050 10,997
10 770 2,588 2,874 1,358 7,590
Mr Puggsly posted 15/04/2019, 02:47
SFV is a sales disaster because Capcom made a disappointing product with too many microtransactions. Some will argue you can unlock content for free, but its takes too long.

I do own it on PS4 but I find myself not enjoying due to long load times and offline modes are waste of time because they don't generate much points for unlocks.

I really don't care Xbox was ignored because the product is a mess. Maybe a next gen port with all content unlocked and faster loading could redeem this game.
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alejollorente10 posted 02/10/2018, 08:04
A game that should never have been exclusive.
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H3ADShOt3 posted 06/11/2017, 03:02
Dead Horse
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Rogerioandrade posted 28/08/2017, 12:42
I´m still on the fence about buying this game... but seeing how bad its sales are, I think I will stick to SF 4 to play with family and friends
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Kerotan posted 12/07/2017, 03:23
Tekken 7 just released and it sold 5 times more on ps4 then xb1. SFV would have been the same. If SFV had an XB1 port it wouldn't have made it a success. That's so obvious now.
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xboxonefan posted 05/05/2017, 05:35
1 million
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