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Blizzard North



Release Dates

06/27/01 Blizzard Entertainment
(Add Date)
06/29/01 Sierra Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 329
Favorite: 24
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - Screenshots

Shipping Total

2,000,000 Units
As of: June 29th, 2001

Opinion (5)

Mordred11 posted 02/10/2011, 10:55
same here
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poopface1 posted 02/04/2010, 01:42
I cant wait to plat diablo 3

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sunday_goes posted 30/12/2008, 05:17
same as Mummelmann.

I'm sad cuz the Necromancer won´t be on Diablo 3 :(
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brawl4life posted 29/04/2008, 02:13
moooomoooooooooooooooo mooooooooo
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Mummelmann posted 16/12/2007, 04:50
Hands down the game I've wasted the most hours on.
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