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U-Haul International, Inc.



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Explore North America from your iPhone! With the U-Haul Travel Game you can track the SuperGraphics & fun facts you see on the side of U-Haul moving vans. Earn achievements and share your discoveries with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.

It's On The Truck, It's On Your Phone.
How many U-Haul SuperGraphics can you spot? Try to collect them all!


- Fun for moving or long road trips
- Earn achievements
- Learn more about the states and provinces of the US and Canada
- Share SuperGraphics with your friends
- Find out more about the graphic you saw on U-Haul moving vans
- More features are on their way!
- Free!

How to play

When you're on-the-move, spot a U-Haul truck and note the graphic on the side of it. Open the game and find the graphic you saw. Use the filter to help you find it using keywords, or find it on the map. Tap "I found this" and you're on your way! Earn extra achievements for sharing with your friends and learning more about the graphics.

If you haven't seen a graphic on a truck, feel free to look around. There are plenty of mysteries to uncover!

Each marker on the map represents a real place you can drive to where you can learn more about the subject of the graphic. These are typically museums or educational centers where you can see the subject of the graphics first-hand. Discover these points on the map and you're in for an adventure! Be sure to look for location information within the "learn more" areas of each graphic and call ahead before planning a journey.

Learn more about the U-Haul SuperGraphics program at
Follow U-Haul SuperGraphics on Facebook at

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