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Hydravision Entertainment



Release Dates

11/30/10 Unknown
(Add Date)
11/24/10 Unknown

Community Stats

Owners: 4
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The action is set in a lab, where players become Diego, a very cool, super-powered funky lab rat who decides it's time to break free! Player's mission is to make it through the final lab gate by crossing over pits and overcoming obstacles! All the items must be carefully placed and synchronized for the escape to work. If your synchronization doesn't work, you can try again by rewinding time so you don't have to re-start the level every time.

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Game Information Updated oliist 24th Nov 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 16th Nov 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 16th Nov 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 16th Nov 2010
Game Added to Database oliist 16th Nov 2010

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