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Alternative Names

ディシディア デュオデシム ファイナルファンタジー


Square Enix



Other Versions


Release Dates

03/22/11 Square Enix
03/03/11 Square Enix
03/25/11 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 101
Favorite: 16
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:




The divine conflict between Harmony and Discord rages on, the fate of the world it's promised prize.

Fighting to secure it are brave souls summoned for that solitary purpose.

Champions, cut from cloth different from those which form the fabric of our world.

These warriors from afar are helpless but to do as bid, waging battle after endless battle for the gods who called them here, granted neither respite nor reprieve.

Relying on what fragments of their shattered memories remain, they fight to end the conflict, and for a chance to return home, to the worlds they each once knew.

What they cannot know is that they fight in vain. This war is one without end, and it is their fate to serve forever, until, at last, their ebbing strength gives way...


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Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 29th Apr 2011
Game Information Updated oliist 10th Feb 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 10th Feb 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 21st Jan 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 18th Dec 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 01st Dec 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 01st Dec 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 21st Sep 2010

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (49)

1 282,992 n/a n/a 282,992
2 65,829 n/a n/a 65,829
3 30,982 n/a n/a 30,982
4 22,144 28,997 20,644 14,968 86,753
5 14,668 19,633 7,599 6,849 48,749
6 9,054 8,086 6,526 4,570 28,236
7 5,614 5,386 2,377 2,030 15,407
8 4,768 3,539 3,091 2,121 13,519
9 4,728 3,041 3,094 2,048 12,911
10 3,623 2,180 3,056 1,900 10,759
zedo0 posted 09/09/2012, 04:19
I personally love the hell outta this game.
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sensebringer posted 23/11/2011, 11:18
that coment was a mistake. I thought that was the search game database box.
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sensebringer posted 23/11/2011, 11:15
god of war
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Mordred11 posted 19/10/2011, 05:15
dissapointing sales.
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Iveyboi posted 14/07/2011, 03:46
Regret my purchase kind of. I expected a whole new game not a few chapters and the original dissidia. Should have done my due diligence I guess
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kanjitech18 posted 10/07/2011, 09:49
Wow...this hasn't done so well in the west...
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