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Review Scores

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Alternative Names

Keito no Kirby






Release Dates

10/17/10 Nintendo
10/14/10 Nintendo
02/25/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 793
Favorite: 14
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 20
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Kirby's Epic Yarn - Summary

Kirby's first console platform game since the Nintendo 64 days introduces an amazing new look based on animated yarn and a world of cloth and textiles. The creative approach is woven directly into the game play and allows the ever-morphing Kirby to take on a variety of new forms. It's a one-of-a-kind platformer that lets players explore high and low for hidden objects and fun adventure.


  • The look of the world is stunning, but it's also interactive. Pulling on stray threads might reveal hidden areas. When Kirby literally goes behind the scenes, the virtual fabric warps and bends to show his location.
  • Thanks to his versatile yarn composition, Kirby can take on a variety of forms both in his common actions and when he transforms into powerful vehicles. When Kirby dashes, he zips around as a car. In water, he turns into a submarine. At times he can even transform into a massive robotic tank, a UFO and other vehicles.
  • Two players can play through the entire game together (additional accessories required and are sold separately).
  • Gems and collectible items are scattered throughout the environments for players to find.

source: Nintendo E3 network

Shipping Total

1,850,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (158)

goldmario79 posted 10/12/2016, 01:50
Our local Goodwill had a store unload about 100 of these a few months ago. It looked really stupid from the box. Then I played it last month for a couple of hours and was blown away at the storyline, characters, level design. It is definitely a new kirby design that is extremely well done. Def should be going for a lot more than it is on ebay/amazon.
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ExplodingBlock posted 13/05/2014, 02:32
@DarkRPGamer007 Kirby games never tend to sell well in Europe with NA and Japan being where 99% of the sales come from
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 11/04/2014, 12:46
If Europe would have participated this would easily have over 2.50m

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Arfen posted 27/08/2013, 05:01
just 70k inEurope?? it seems a very low number for a Nintendo franchise
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Salnax posted 23/05/2013, 06:01
3rd best selling Kirby ever in America, and #2 in "Rest of the World." I'm curious if this is due to the game's quality, the Yarn element, the gameplay, etc.
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DieAppleDie posted 16/05/2013, 02:52
lol this charted insanely highthis week
could hit 2.2
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