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Release Dates

11/12/09 Number None
09/09/10 Number None
12/17/09 Number None

Community Stats

Owners: 88
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 2

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Braid - Summary

Braid is a puzzle-platformer, drawn in a painterly style, where the player manipulates the flow of time in strange and unusual ways. From a house in the city, journey to a series of worlds and solve puzzles to rescue an abducted princess. In each world, you have a different power to affect the way time behaves, and it is time's strangeness that creates the puzzles. The time behaviors include: the ability to rewind, objects that are immune to being rewound, time that is tied to space, parallel realities, time dilation, and perhaps more. Braid treats your time and attention as precious; there is no filler in this game. Every puzzle shows you something new and interesting about the game world. Braid is a 2-D platform game where you can never die and never lose.

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Opinion (11)

kowhoho posted 02/03/2010, 01:08
Perfect 10/10. This game revealed to me my own fallibility and gave me a real reality check. I am such a gullible b*stard...
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nordlead posted 23/01/2010, 06:39
I got this for half off on sale this week. The platforming controls and elements are only ok, but I bought it for the puzzle elements which are truly superb. The music is really nice too, but the story just seems really stupid. Couldn't get into it so I've just been skipping it. All I know is that the princess got captured and is in another castle
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SilentPyramid posted 24/12/2009, 01:59
best platforming game ever! speechless
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yusuke93_ita posted 23/12/2009, 10:13
awesome! 9/10
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SilentPyramid posted 22/11/2009, 09:33
i think i ll get this...It seems awesome
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kitler53 posted 20/11/2009, 02:59
so much awesome!!
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