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Alternative Names

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call

Layton Kyouju to Majin no Fue



Level 5



Release Dates

10/17/11 Nintendo
11/26/09 Level 5
11/25/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 71
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 2
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"Layton: Year One"

By Gabriel Franco 17th Nov 2011 | 6,564 views 
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Professor Layton is Back with a Puzzling Prequel

This fourth installment of the Professor Layton puzzle adventure series begins a new trilogy that is a prequel to the original games. Three years before the events in the Professor Layton and the Curious Village™ game,Professor Layton receives a letter from his old schoolmate Clark Triton. It states that “a mysterious giant shrouded in fog has been laying waste to our houses.” The professor heads to the town of Misthallery to investigate, and is joined by Emmy, his new assistant. What is the meaning of all the destruction, and is it related to the village’s folklore legend of a “specter”? The unfolding story details how Professor Layton and his apprentice, Luke, met.


  • Players move the mysterious story forward by solving a multitude of brain teasers, riddles and conundrums. This game contains more puzzles than any in the series so far.
  • Free downloadable puzzles will be available weekly after the game’s launch
  • Players also get the bonus role-playing game called Professor Layton’s London Life™ that contains 100 hours of additional content.
  • In the bonus role-playing game Professor Layton’s London Life™, the player’s character lives in “Little London” with Professor Layton and a number of characters from the series. Players can customize their character with special clothing and collect items and furniture. Some of these help the player’s character to enter certain areas of the city or perform tasks that help out the townspeople.



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Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database oliist 27th May 2011
Game Information Updated oliist 27th May 2011
Game Banner Added to Database PhantomLink 06th Dec 2009
Game Information Updated Fab_GS 06th Dec 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 25th Nov 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 25th Aug 2009
Release Date Added to Database MANUELF 25th Aug 2009
Release Date Added to Database oliist 12th Jul 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 12th Jul 2009
Game Added to Database oliist 12th Jul 2009

Shipping Total

2,060,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (17)

OneTwoThree posted 28/12/2011, 01:16
@Salnax: It's not surprising, this series is astonishingly conservative. I've played the first 3 games, and gameplay-wise they're identical. While the respective stories got worse, from 1 (surprising and immersive), to 2 (moving, if a bit far-fetched) to 3 (absurd and ridiculous).
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Soulblazer posted 23/12/2011, 12:05
damn those are some very impressive european sales
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enrageorange posted 22/12/2011, 08:33
this is tracking ridiculously ahead of unnwound future in europe. Can't see sales dropping next week considering its christmas. It has a very good shot at passing unwound future. Also these sales are still huge. I'm sure level 4 is more then happy with sales as long as they remain above 1mil, let alone 2mil.
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Salnax posted 20/12/2011, 03:55
Despite the great European sales, the trend is clear. Every Layton game has done worse than its predecessor. After the second trilogy and Ace Attorney crossover are finished, it might be time for the series to either take a break or reinvent itself, possibly for the eShop and other downloadable services.
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NintendoFanDj posted 17/12/2011, 01:15
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acdcste posted 12/12/2011, 02:06
Yeah european numbers are solid for this one. Its a great series and deserves the sales. Roll on the 3DS version late next year.
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