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Alternative Names

Polygo Block





Release Dates

03/22/96 Nintendo
(Add Date)

Community Stats

Owners: 3
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3-D Tetris - Summary

The Puzzler with 3-D Blocks and Rotating Planes!

The mesmerizing force of Tetris returns with virtual style! This thrilling animated puzzler takes dexterity and split-second timing to the extreme with dimensional blocks and challenging planes. 3-D Tetris propels players at a demanding pace where quick response and strategy rule. Tetris devotees of all levels will crave this latest sensation of brain-teasing fun!

° Manipulate 3-D blocks as they descend into a well! Eliminate horizontal planes to score  points.

° Customize the challenge with three difficulty levels for players of all ages!

° Demanding modes of play include: Regular, Center-Fill and Puzzle.

° Battery-backed, high-score memory saves your progress!


*Back of box

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