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"Body image."

By Evan Norris 27th Nov 2023 | 2,905 views 
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Get ready for the start of something big: Volume 1 of the monumental Irem Collection. If you're a fan of retro gaming or looking for a new challenge, the Image Fight series and X-Multiply are must-play classic Shoot 'Em Ups. Originally released during the golden age of arcade gaming in the late 1980s and early 1990s, these games have become cult classics among retro gaming enthusiasts.

Image Fight, released in 1988, set the standard for the franchise with its challenging gameplay and impressive graphics that were cutting-edge for their time. It startet off a short series renowned for it's crearive combat mechanics and immense level of difficulty.

In 1992's Image Fight 2, you'll experience even more action-filled gameplay and engaging features. Featuring stunning fully-voiced cutscenes, the game puts you in the role of a sci-fi anime protagonist.

X Multiply, a spin-off of the Image Fight series released in 1989, takes the gameplay and perspective in a different direction: A switch from top-down to side-scrolling action. The overall theme changes just as radically with its unique setting taking place inside the human body; a biological world filled with microscopical organic enemies and obstacles. It's known for its challenging gameplay and powerful graphics - including tentacles featuring physics-based animations - which were among the best you could find in arcades at the time.

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