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Release Dates

07/31/97 Namco
05/30/97 Namco
10/01/97 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 29
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Ace Combat 2 - Summary

We've devised a weapon that's deadlier than a smart bomb. It's called a smart pilot. Now, Ace Combat 2 pits you against a whole squadron of them - 3-D polygon jet jocks that maneuver like the real deal, turning every scorchign softie and dogfight into a kill-or-be-killed situation. With nearly double the missions of it's predecessor, you'll double your chances of taking out the enemy. (Or taking a heat-seeker up the exhaust).

  • The most realistic dogfights ever created for the Playstation game console.
  • Total 3-D polygon environment - fly freely and unload your arsenal with reckless abandon.
  • Advanced artificial intelligence - Cunning and calculationg enemy pilots.
  • 30 formidable missions - nearly double the missions of Ace Combat.
  • Awesome mission debriefings - dynamic diagrams and moving maps for surgical strikes.
  • Secret planes and hidden missions - the better you fly, the more you'll reveal.



Shipping Total

1,092,000 Units
As of: January 2008

Opinion (1)

Aj_habfan posted 03/01/2009, 11:17
Nice sales. Making this series 360 exclusive pretty much killed it.
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