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Other Versions

2600, 5200, DC, GB, Int, NES, PC, PS, PSN

Release Dates

09/06/83 Parker Brothers
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Owners: 1
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Q*bert - Summary

Q*bert springs to life with all the adventure of the popular arcade game!

Colorful graphics and arcade-like sounds accompany the game's lively action.  Hop Q*bert up and down the steps of a "three-dimensional" pyramid, changing each step's color as he lands.  Complete the entire pyramid, and Q*bert moves to a more challenging pyramid.

But look out!  The crafty arcade creatures are here, too, and they're after Q*bert.  Hop out of danger fast - or soar to safety on a Flying Disc.  But watch where you move Q*bert.  One hop off the pyramid, and he'll be lost in space!

Q*bert - the loveable arcade character in his lively action and adventure game.


*Quote from the back of the Q*bert retail box for ColecoVision.

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