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Ensemble Studios

Big Huge Games

Robot Entertainment

Relic Entertainment

Hidden Path Entertainment

Forgotten Empires

Tantalus Media



Other Versions


Release Dates

10/15/97 Microsoft
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Community Stats

Owners: 2
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

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Age of Empires - Summary

The Age of Empires series of real time strategy titles consists of the following key releases:

Each entry in the series received at least one expansion pack, usually several. Each of them also received at least one Definitive/HD Edition release.

There's also a popular spin-off series, called Age of Mythology (1.3 million+).

Shipping Total

30,824,320 Units
As of: July 1st, 2018

Player Total

50,000,000 Players
As of: February 2024

Opinion (2)

Machina posted 07/11/2022, 11:12
Machina posted 13/03/2020, 12:41
Total consists of:

- 25 million for the series as of Feb 2011 ( ).

- 5,824,320 for II: HD by July 2018 ( ).
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Salnax posted 25/09/2020, 02:32
Why the heck did Microsoft close Ensemble if their games sold this well?
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