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SIE Japan Studio



Release Dates

10/02/18 Sony Interactive Entertainment
10/04/18 Sony Interactive Entertainment
10/03/18 Sony Interactive Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 6
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

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ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission is a brand new platformer, developed exclusively for use with PS VR. Take control of ASTRO the captain BOT and go on an epic VR rescue mission to save your fellow crew who are dispersed all over space.

The game takes full advantage of PS VR to invigorate the platforming genre with gameplay unfolding around you in 360 degrees. Your character reacts instantly and your jumps are ultra precise thanks to the increased depth of PS VR. While seated, moving your body lets you lean around corners to get a better view on the action and discover secret paths. You can also use your body to weave through the scenery and create a path for your character.

You will be running and jumping through city skylines, lush jungles, dark caves, and golden sandy beaches in 20 unique levels that all take advantage of PS VR. Each level features original traps and enemies, and contains 8 lost Bots for you to save.

To top it all off, six immense boss enemies stand between you and your lost crew. In VR, the scale of these juggernauts come through like never before and you feel incredibly small as they tower over you.

To guide your journey, you can rely on your trusted DUALSHOCK 4 controller which becomes the host to a bunch of cool gadgets: a hook shot, a water gun and ninja stars are few of the special weapons at your disposal. Use them in combination with your jumping and punching skills to blast off anyone standing in your way!

And if you are thirsty for more extreme platforming, the game offers 26 extra challenge levels specifically created to test your dexterity.

A new Hero is coming to PS VR, so join the ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission and be one of the first to experience the future of platform games!

Source: Publisher

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Latest Updates

Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019
Game Extras Added to Database Bandorr 16th Jun 2019

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (14)

1 4,453 8,498 13,195 5,082 31,228
2 2,897 6,191 11,266 3,977 24,331
3 1,587 6,282 10,723 3,918 22,510
4 1,295 6,414 10,502 3,925 22,136
5 1,073 5,905 11,298 3,884 22,160
6 700 5,978 8,635 3,467 18,780
7 578 6,530 31,041 7,375 45,524
8 518 53,451 83,741 32,087 169,797
9 502 35,092 41,822 18,882 96,298
10 554 14,930 31,460 10,302 57,246
think-man posted 24/07/2019, 10:35
Just bought it, amazing game.
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Kerotan posted 27/01/2019, 08:57
Over 700k. Success.
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Sietjie posted 27/01/2019, 08:04
29 December 2018 - 0.71M
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Tridrakious posted 24/01/2019, 02:39
This game is getting some great press and sales have been in proving tremendously. Great to see.
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Sietjie posted 21/01/2019, 03:27
22 December 2018 - 0.65M
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Sietjie posted 16/01/2019, 09:18
15 December 2018 - 0.57M
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