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Exient Entertainment



Release Dates

08/15/05 Nokia
(Add Date)
07/11/05 Nokia

Community Stats

Owners: 3
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WWE Aftershock - Summary

WWE Aftershock for the N-Gage challenges players to get into the ring, muscle it up and battle against ten WWE Superstars (including Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Edge and Undertaker) for the coveted WWE Championship. WWE Aftershock offers all the pageantry and flamboyance of today's top WWE Superstars. Set in a real-time 3D environment, WWE Aftershock uses various camera angles for an eye-popping visual experience. Each WWE Superstars' persona is captured in the same over-the-top presentation that makes the WWE the ultimate in live entertainment. Virtual superstars can duke it out in quick exhibition matches, grueling survival modes, tempting tournaments and over the top Main Event matches. WWE Aftershock offers a wide variety of single player and multi-player modes to provide endless competition. The N-Gage Arena enhances the competitive and community aspects through ranking systems and unlockable superstars.


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