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Alternative Names

Uncharted: El Dorado no Hihou

アンチャーテッド エル・ドラドの秘宝


Naughty Dog



Release Dates

11/16/07 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/06/07 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/07/07 Sony Computer Entertainment

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Uncharted : Drake's Fortune Review by MGS_4ever

13th Apr 2009 | 1,751 views 


User Score

Presentation - 10
Gameplay - 9.5
Value - 8.0
"El goddam Dorado !"

In 2007, the PS3 was struggling and was blamed by critics for poor software. That changed, when Naughty Dog's classic was released. Uncharted : Drake's Fortune was probably the highest polished PS3 game when it was released.

The Story

Uncharted follows the story of a treasure hunter, Nathan Drake who has discovered the diary of legendary British explorer Sir Francis Drake ( who happens to be his ancestor). Drake, along with Sully and Elena, embark on the quest for "el dorado" , but unsurprisingly things go VERY wrong. It is almost like an Indiana Jones movie and the cutscenes are well mo-capped. Though a bit cheesy, the story will have you guessing. Voice acting is awesome.

The Graphics and Audio

My first thoughts about the graphics were - "HOLY SHIT ! This looks AWESOME ! ". Though there are minor screen tearing problems, it can be easily ignored. The lush jungle areas are filled with greenery and waterways. The game is very colourful - something that has been rare this gen. The sunset in chapter 3 where you look through the waterfall looks awesome. It blows you away. The water effects are awesome. The level of detail was unparalleled at its time. The animations are very good - you can see their facial expressions very well.Graphics and story are the strengths of this game. 

Overall for graphics - half tucked wet shirts never looked better !

Audio is fine, but nothing special. The soundtrack is awesome though. It screams of high production values.

The Gameplay

The gameplay includes platforming elements and cover heavy third person shoot'em action. It is very fun and addictive. Naughty Dog never fails to impress me. Though the melee combat is kinda bad, everything else is perfect. Other than the shooting and platforming in the early parts of the game, there are vehicle sections too - on a Jet ski and a truck. There are no boss fights, because they are not needed.

Watch out for a pleasent change of gameplay in the latter stages. Wink


Naughty Dog has made a damn good action/adventure game with Uncharted. Its edge of the seat gameplay, story and jaw dropping visuals will keep you hooked. The game is about 8-10 hours long. What it lacks in length, it makes up with quality. Uncharted may be 1 and a half years old, but it is still worth 60$ in my opinion.

If you are having second thoughts, wait till  its re-released as a Greatest hits title (Europeans have no excuses) or buy it with Uncharted 2 this fall. You will love it. If you don't it will be very hard to satisfy you with any game.Oh and it has trophy support you trophy whores !

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (1036)

1 n/a 25,683 n/a 4,532 30,215
2 n/a 43,225 n/a 7,628 50,853
3 n/a 33,476 n/a 5,908 39,384
4 16,494 35,176 67,714 30,261 149,645
5 9,764 35,877 88,089 37,388 171,118
6 7,441 39,103 102,946 43,123 192,613
7 6,153 26,595 66,673 28,180 127,601
8 7,002 18,074 42,559 18,226 85,861
9 2,883 12,883 37,439 15,433 68,638
10 2,313 10,974 31,127 12,880 57,294
paulrage2 posted 05/02/2018, 09:30
The game is near of 5 million physical copies on PlayStation 3.
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Tridrakious posted 20/12/2012, 02:44
I wonder what is next for the Uncharted franchise. Could there really be a Kart racer in the future? There is a card game now after all.
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Ganoncrotch posted 14/12/2012, 09:23
this game was always heralded as the best reason to get a launch ps3 it still holds up and looks great now even, how you can say no one cared about this franchise til it's sequel I just don't get how you could think that.
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oniyide posted 14/12/2012, 05:58
dont know y anyone was answering tontus, he clearly doesnt know what the hell he is talking about, as Uncharted 2 and 3, especially 3 were not heavily bundled. The game is popular deal with it.
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 05:02
People at first did not care about this game until uncharted 2. NOW PS3 LOVERS LOVE THIS FRANCHISE. 😱
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think-man posted 11/12/2012, 01:26
@Tontus I dont agree, I hope they keep making uncharted is an awesome franchise that sony and ND should keep supporting.
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