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Alternative Names



Volition Inc.



Other Versions

All, PC, PSN, X360, XBL

Release Dates

10/14/08 THQ
12/04/08 THQ
10/17/08 THQ

Community Stats

Owners: 132
Favorite: 9
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:



Fight against The General
To kill The General in the mall, use the saved rockets to blow up his armored Bulldog then shoot him with any gun until he dies. Do this quickly before he runs away.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (17)

1 n/a 65,475 69,875 34,846 170,196
2 n/a 19,903 57,690 22,742 100,335
3 n/a 14,109 20,499 9,323 43,931
4 n/a 10,955 12,960 6,253 30,168
5 n/a 8,773 10,644 5,096 24,513
6 n/a 8,832 13,236 5,971 28,039
7 n/a 13,816 12,331 6,548 32,695
8 7,311 11,324 14,017 7,063 39,715
9 2,455 16,277 15,047 8,305 42,084
10 1,606 16,486 15,553 8,510 42,155
Propaganda posted 24/07/2011, 11:18
Very fun game, can't wait for the third!
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jbrist posted 16/04/2010, 11:01
This game is just too fun not to buy, I mean seriously, I've had more fun with the freeroam online on this game, than most games I play on co-op, some of the things you can do with a buddy never get old, for example, pushing them off the top of a 60 story scyscraper, getting in a helocopter together and skydiving out... and doing the wheelie wallmount glitch and crashing into each other vertically...

Oh the fun!
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Chairman-Mao posted 26/03/2010, 03:53
Not the greatest game but kind of fun. Suprised it hit 1 million.
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mickross123 posted 19/03/2010, 06:25
1 MILLION! I love this game.
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Munkeh111 posted 21/02/2010, 11:26
Yeah, still at 10k, so it should actually get there before too long. It must have had some adjustment...
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MontanaHatchet posted 22/01/2010, 01:53
Hope you're ready to take that back Munkeh.
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