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Pitbull Syndicate



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Release Dates

11/17/99 Atari
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The latest in the successful Test Drive racing series, includes 40 licensed cars and 30 new tracks. The game has a completely revamped physics model, which will give each car in its class a specific driving style and handling model. As players win races, they are able to upgrade their cars, with five upgrades available per car. The game will feature interactive driving environments that will include breakable objects, unpredictable objects and nerve-racking shortcuts. Cars will race through outdoor cafs in Paris, France, causing tables to crash and fly (over) into the air, swerve to avoid alligators in the Louisiana swamplands, or jump over forklifts in the back alleys of Hong Kong.

Latest Updates

Release Date Added to Database oliist 13th Dec 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 13th Dec 2010
Boxart Added oliist 09th Dec 2008
Release Date Added to Database oliist 09th Dec 2008
Game Added to Database oliist 09th Dec 2008

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