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Alternative Names

フォルツァ モータースポーツ4


Turn 10 Studio



Release Dates

10/11/11 Microsoft Studios
10/13/11 Microsoft Studios
10/14/11 Microsoft Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 142
Favorite: 21
Tracked: 11
Wishlist: 23
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Forza Motorsport 4 (X360) > Opinions (321)

 1  2  3  4 
Chris Hu posted 16/12/2011, 02:45
Really nice legs in Europe should sell over 2 million before it ends up in bundles.
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Michael-5 posted 15/12/2011, 08:53
pezus, if you actually calculate it. Forza 3 sold 4 million without bundles. For the duration it was bundled it sold 1.6 million, and during that time Ultimate edition came out (which added at least 100k on it's own). If the game sold 0 shelf units it couldn't have been bundled more then 1.5 million, and I seriously doubt the game didn't sell 500k in the 8 month window it was bundled for.
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Michael-5 posted 15/12/2011, 08:51
Sold 5k better then on Forza 3's equivalent week (December 11th) last year. Could end up with similar numbers, if not a touch higher (depends on legs)
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mitlar37 posted 13/12/2011, 02:13
uc2 wouldn't hvae reached 5mill without heavy bundling and the same will go for 3.
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mitlar37 posted 13/12/2011, 02:06
Uc3 was bundled 3 weeks after release and sony fans like to point out how much it's selling - so why can't ms fans do the same?
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fauzman posted 11/12/2011, 05:46
If only MS promoted this game as much as they do shooters (Gears). An opportunity lost, especially in EMEAA though it still does get good sales.
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x_DMX_x posted 10/12/2011, 12:05
Exclusive Game*
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x_DMX_x posted 10/12/2011, 12:04
sales2099:"lets not forget how it constantly manages to trump GT in metascores :)"Lets also not forget how LittleBigPlanet trumps every Xbox 360 game in existence according to metacritic/metascroes lmao.
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Michael-5 posted 09/12/2011, 10:06
This car should have been included in the game. It's stupid I have to buy the entire DLC for the 1 Lamborghini. Every other car is buyable individually.
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Michael-5 posted 09/12/2011, 10:04
For the equivalent week, Forza 4 numbers are right up to Forza 3's. Compared Week 8 for FM4 to Week 6 for FM3, the difference is only 6k. (remember FM4 released 2 weeks earlier). Sales could reach the 4.2 million Forza 3 is at without bundles.
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Chris Hu posted 08/12/2011, 01:26
Better sales this week in the US then on Black Friday nice legs.
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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 posted 07/12/2011, 12:43
Forza Motorsport 4 was better in my opinion.
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Michael-5 posted 05/12/2011, 09:06
What a shitty car pack. So far the only car worth downloading is the Lambo, and $9 for 1 good car is too much..
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Michael-5 posted 05/12/2011, 09:05
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mornelithe posted 03/12/2011, 06:44
Gran Turismo 5
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Chris Hu posted 03/12/2011, 05:02
Smaller then expected Black Friday boost in the US I guess they had a limted amount of copies available. Still should have decent legs past Christmas is pretty much on sale every week now in different locations.
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sales2099 posted 30/11/2011, 01:43
1.5 million this year. Next year is bundle time. As long as it can sell that much on its own its a success in its own right. But thats just one side.....lets not forget how it constantly manages to trump GT in metascores :)
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/11/2011, 01:05
@ Michael-5 - There have been a lot of strong games this holiday, so not getting lost in the fold shows this is still a strong franchise.
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Chris Hu posted 19/11/2011, 05:55
Should get a nice sales boost in the Americas in two weeks pretty much every store has it on sale during Black Friday.
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Michael-5 posted 17/11/2011, 01:09
Game isn't selling as well as Forza 3 did. Is it because Forza 3 was bundled with ODST the year of release, because FM4 released earlier in the year then FM3, or it's just not selling well? Who knows, lets judge after the holidays.
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DeathPool posted 12/11/2011, 12:07
this game WILL only manage to do 5m if its bundled like crazy other wise its just a wet dream.
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enrageorange posted 11/11/2011, 08:59
good sales in emeaa. Everywhere else not so much. I hope they don't bundle it. I want to see what a forza game can actually sell without bundles. This looks like it could reach 2-3mil without bundles if it picks up during the holidays.
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Kai Master posted 11/11/2011, 06:01
tracking under FM3 in US and JP, still a bit above in EU but the gap is tightening... but FM3 was released 10 days closer to christmas... I don't see FM4 improving that much against FM3... 5M LTD I guess, max 6M.
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Fei-Hung posted 09/11/2011, 04:43
game was released during a start of a gaming avalanche - rage, BF3, UC3, GeoW3, ACR, Batman AC and others. This will probably pick up sales when bundled and when it drops in price.
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Fei-Hung posted 09/11/2011, 04:43
game was released during a start of a gaming avalanche - rage, BF3, UC3, GeoW3, ACR, Batman AC and others. This will probably pick up sales when bundled and when it drops in price.
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Chris Hu posted 08/11/2011, 08:10
@Solid-Strark all the Holiday bundles are already out and the star wars kinnect bundle comes after that. The earliest I can see this game in a bundle is march of next year.
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Solid-Stark posted 05/11/2011, 05:23
Played this today, pretty good. Start bundling.
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Jexy posted 04/11/2011, 08:47
I have never owned a Forza game, but will pick this up when it drops in price during a Black Friday deal. So many games out, so little time.
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pslee posted 04/11/2011, 01:00
Its like killzone 3 sale numbers. Maybe it might reach 2 million without bundle by february.
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DeathPool posted 03/11/2011, 12:52
NA and japan sales are so bad.
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DakonBlackblade posted 02/11/2011, 03:34
@pezus it might have to do with the fact that theres a gazilion games comming out on the same time as well. If I were a game dev I would just delay my game to avoid this insanity going on. Gears, Forza, CoD, Batlefield, Uncharted, Batman, Dark Souls, Deus Ex, Dead Island, Fifa 12 are some fo the stuf that got releases these past few days, I wouldnt whant to compete with that...
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Michael-5 posted 01/11/2011, 10:53
pezus that's because it released in mid October vs. late October for FM3. Forza 3 got to take advantage of holiday sales earlier, don't worry FM4 will still beak 5 million. Just not sure if that's with or without bundles.
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Chris Hu posted 30/10/2011, 02:24
Not worried about the numbers. Although second week could have been better. But Forza 4 is competing against a lot more other great games then Forza 3 did during its first couple of weeks. Also this game should be on sale arround Black Friday and towards Christmas which will help with its sales and legs.
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jugon21 posted 29/10/2011, 11:15
2nd week: F3(254,094)>F4(223,571)
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yo_john117 posted 28/10/2011, 07:47
Hands down the best racing game I have ever played
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 11:59
Its for the Hardcore, Forza on the other hand wants to be both and thats why it doesn't sell as well. You can play Grid, PGR, Need for Speed and have way more "fun" if that is what your looking for.
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 11:56
These games are sims not arcade racers I don't know a kid that has even mentioned Forza or GT. Call of Duty, Gears of War, a little Rage that pretty much covers it. A sim is fun if your good enough at it to meet the challenge. Most kids in the US couldn't care less about a racing sim or game outside of Need for Speed and even they are few and far between. GT5 is a blast if you can play the way its meant to be played its not for the casual racing fan. I will admit that Forza does a better job as a casual racer. GT5 does not hold your hand at any point. That's why people buy it and GT games are all in the top 10 best selling racers of all time on any console in any cycle since it came out.
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Chunkysatsuma posted 27/10/2011, 10:32
In the classes I teach most children are playing the xbox as they find it more fun, different for different people. My experience is that myself, my friends and my students seem to prefer the Forza games as they remember that games should be fun :p
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 07:38
user score for forza 4 is 8.1 for GT5 its 8.96
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 07:35
The things I stated are factual if you have played the crap out of Forza 3 and then got 4 and felt like you got 3.5.
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 07:29
@Chunk Your free to disagree and like whatever you wish I wasn't speaking to the masses per say simply stating the facts that are out there. As far as formal education I get to do that five days a week so research is pretty important. I spend all day around high school and middle school kids. We talk games a lot in my class and having taught in 3 states and 4 school systems I have a pretty good idea what they play and on what they don't along with the friends I have closer to my age and other teachers. I didn't say anything that doesn't fit what others in reviews have said or people that have bought it. Lastly I never said any game was "rubbish" just not up to par for a true sequal way 2 much recycling for mine and a lot of others taste.
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Kai Master posted 27/10/2011, 04:18
started 25% better than FM3...
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Kai Master posted 27/10/2011, 04:06
my guess is 6M WW.
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Kai Master posted 27/10/2011, 04:03
identic sales as FM2 in 2 weeks instead of 7 ! But Europe and America inverted sales !
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Chunkysatsuma posted 27/10/2011, 12:49
GT5 bored me, doesnt mean I think it is a bad game just not for me, I personally believe Forza 4 to be a superior game, if this fact offends you then im sorry but perhaps it is you who are blinkered
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Chunkysatsuma posted 27/10/2011, 12:48
mmk sure you step out and do us a favour :p and again im guessing by your attempt to once again use opinion as fact you have not yet moved on to any formal education where simply saying "this game is rubbish and anyone who disagrees is wrong" would not be accepted as a valid argument.
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 12:12
Love my 360 and my ps3 wear your blinders if you like
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 12:10
They should start naming em forza 2011, 2012, 2013...
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 12:07
And I'm guessing ur 15 judging by the use of mmk. I do think that's obviously the issue hear so I'll step out and let you guys pretend you didn't just buy the same game twice! As far as having both consoles I appreciate u answering for @2099 but I was speaking to A user not all which I suppose you either missed or was just lost on you. As for facts they r everywhere common place knowledge search a little. I did state fact, what do you question? As for mr soul I can't respond to "hogwash" wtf is that. Forza 4 is 3 with new paint even same tracks those are facts read a review. I don't need to prove anything it's all out there on the web. Didn't realize a reference page was needed.
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Chunkysatsuma posted 27/10/2011, 10:31
Hey "Thebrain" before you make sweeping statements like that try to think mmk? I also have both consoles (emperorchunky on psn) and I also played forza and GT5. GT5 bored me very quickly, Forza didnt. Stop stating your opinion as if it is binding fact.
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enditall727 posted 27/10/2011, 10:26
hmm.. i dont think this game will hit 5 mill ltd
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enditall727 posted 27/10/2011, 10:26
hmm.. i dont think this game will hit 5 mill ltd
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lurkerwithnosoul posted 27/10/2011, 09:37
@TheBrain Stating opinions as facts. Using sales to prove quality (lol). And of course, the "it's pointless to argue because i have both" hogwash. Proving you're not even sure about all the crap you're saying.
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 04:32
Its pointless to argue because I have both consoles just upgraded to the Gears 360. I've played both sides its obvious you havent. I have GT5 love it, have Forza 3 like it, rented Forza 4 its good but a lot like 3. I'll pass and go back to the core of what these games are suppose to be sims and that sir is GT5 and the sales back it up.
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Thebrain posted 27/10/2011, 04:24
@2099 might as well throw prologue in there 2 huh so what like 11-12 million for gt this gen aaaaaannnndddd then there's forza. I love Gears but to say the strong point is its story is laughable at best I don't care if they write 50 books it cant hold a candle to the Uncharted system in story telling thats a fact! There was Gears 1 a great game then 1.25 and then 1.5. Last two were a letdown thow 3 not as much as 2. As for players the shooter thing isn't a stereotype its got hundreds of examples to back it up. What happened to Alan Wake one of the best 360 games there is? PS3 always has more choices and a larger variety of exclusives thats why Microsoft sells so many of there 2. What else would a fanboy or multi-console owner buy? GT is a sim, Forza wants to be a sim but its just another racing game. Metacritic scores are nice to help you figure out what sucks and what doesn't but between 92-80 its all pretty much the same. Obviously people want the sim just looking at the sales numbers so counting off points for that is a joke.
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Chris Hu posted 27/10/2011, 04:00
Still tracking ahead of Forza 3 so far. At least 5 million plus should be easily acomplished.
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Chunkysatsuma posted 27/10/2011, 01:34
Solid sales, will probably sell around 5 million + which is good, best race sim this gen for me :)
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Kees posted 26/10/2011, 06:39
@ Sales2099: Stop flaming and start gaming!
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pslee posted 26/10/2011, 06:28
cant compare forza and gt in terms of sales. its like comparing halo and killzone.
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Mordred11 posted 26/10/2011, 05:42
over 5 million if you take into account digital sales
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DakonBlackblade posted 26/10/2011, 04:04
@sales 2099 Adding 3 games to manage to surpass the sales of 1 realy makes a lot of sense... youre trying too hard to be a XXBOX fanboy, Forza and GT are great games. However saleswize GT blows Forza out of the water, GT5 is tacking ahead of GT4 wich means it could reach the 10 million units lifetime. Also Gears and Uncharted are both great games. O and since were adding sales from games of the same franchise I think Gran Turismo 5 Prologue would whant a word with you, it only sold like 4.11 million coppies...
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sales2099 posted 26/10/2011, 02:54
Ya GT owns forza with that 84 Metacritic LOL!!!! Every forza is over 90. You know what they say about GT: Great sim, horrible video game. Forza is a great sim, arguably better with some reviewers AND is a great video game. That why its 90+ quality and GT is now degraded to a 80's series. Wake up pal. Forza releases faster and maintains better quality. GT is dated, sloppy, and takes too long.
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sales2099 posted 26/10/2011, 02:52
GT5 took 5 years to make. 3 Forzas have now been out in the same time. Add all the sales together and you have a superior selling franchise this gen :). The meat headed shooter stereotype is old man, get your facts straight. Theres 4 really good Gears noivels out, same author wrote the story for Gears 3, actually hell of a lot more developed then the uncharted story.
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Thebrain posted 26/10/2011, 08:30
Every time I load my Xbox I get there made for 14 yr old colors and adds...I love my Xbox but ignoring all that is a joke...isn't gears there one game this yr anyway...I know it's the only exclusive I bought...
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Thebrain posted 26/10/2011, 08:25
Actually u compare this to say gt5 in sales which are near 7 mil in less than a year. I love Gears but uncharted is an action story driven platformer not a meat headed shooter which granted so many Xbox owners jizz over every time one comes out. Your comparison is nearly as bad as his! Gt owns forza always has always will u get vet with forza tricked out it just looks like a toy. Gt is class not a car a class that forza will never b. everything leading up to driving is just generic the menu's ect. It's like a toy vs the real thing! Besides everyone knows a ton of teens is the majority of the Xbox fan base and all they wanna do is shoot something. Ps3 has a MUCH wider range of players. Microsoft knows that, so they cater everything to them
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sales2099 posted 25/10/2011, 05:10
Hey crunch....I think Uncharted is better compared to Gears 3, both being 3rd person shooters. O wait.....then youd be embarrassed if you did that.....that explains why you chose Forza 4 as a backup :P
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Michael-5 posted 25/10/2011, 04:50
Forza 4 only 80k in Americas...hmmm. Hope EMEAA numbers are good.
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enrageorange posted 25/10/2011, 04:42
deathpool i hope you realize that GT5 has been bundled quite often, and not just those limited edition bundles at launch.
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crunch posted 25/10/2011, 04:29
And Uncharted 3 will easily top this first week. thanks to eu
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Pr1mus posted 25/10/2011, 07:15
@sales2099 Just on top of my head now, MGS4, Killzone 1 ans 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, GT5 and Heavy Rain all opened higher than Forza 3 and in that list only Heavy Rain falls behind Forza 4 very slightly .
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sales2099 posted 25/10/2011, 05:10
and forza 4 too :)
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sales2099 posted 25/10/2011, 05:09
Ya Pezus except no PS3 exclusive can touch Gears and Halo sales, the main flagship 360 exclusives. Theres GT but if it releases every 5 years thats actually pretty weak sales considering the time gap. Halo and Gears generate its sales but with more iterations. Point is. Forza 3 opened up to sales that surpass most ps3 exclusive opening sales.
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Chris Hu posted 24/10/2011, 04:38
This is not getting bundled anytime soon the earliest it will be bundled is spring 2012. But no heavy bundling untill next fall.
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DeathPool posted 23/10/2011, 06:53
nope more like forza 3, you know practically just giving it away......and I do wish they bundle GT5 as well but its still selling well without it so I guess it aint gonna happen anytime soon.
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piggychan posted 23/10/2011, 03:50
and.. it should be bundled just like GT5 ??|cat:16164644|prd:16164644
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piggychan posted 23/10/2011, 03:48
it's not bad just 2 days of sales ?? It comes around same time as guardian heroes, gears of war 3, fifa 12 I think it's doing alright
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Feniris posted 22/10/2011, 04:29
Excellent first week for Forza 4. I wonder how far it can go before MSoft decides to mass budle it again.
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sales2099 posted 22/10/2011, 03:05
lol guys this game not only sold more then forza 3 but had a bigger week then 90% of ps3 exclusives
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DeathPool posted 22/10/2011, 09:54
this game needs to be included with every 360 sold again
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DeathPool posted 22/10/2011, 09:40
bundle time again....
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Chris Hu posted 22/10/2011, 03:40
The highest Forza 3 got on the sales charts was #3 in its second week. This debuts at number #1 and people call it a flop even though it almost sold 70,000 more units then Forza 3 in its first week you guys need to do some research before posting BS opinions like that.
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Chris Hu posted 22/10/2011, 03:40
The highest Forza 3 got on the sales charts was #3 in its second week. This debuts at number #1 and people call it a flop even though it almost sold 70,000 more units then Forza 3 in its first week you guys need to do some research before posting BS opinions like that.
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blue7x7 posted 22/10/2011, 01:03
lol I'm surprised people here are calling these sales bad how is improving 70,000 sales compare to it's predecessor considered bad and in just 1 day in EMEAA and 2 days in the US it improved in all regions. Forza games have never sold millions it sells little by little they usually have good legs. It's like saying Resistance 3 sales are bad because it didn't do 3 million like halo does it's a dumb comparison but it will most likely sell over 1 million. Forza is the same way it sells a lot in the long term It's funny how history repeats itself I remember when forza 3 came out and people calling it's sales bad now look 2 years later almost 5 million sales.
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vashkey posted 22/10/2011, 12:56
impressive launch. I was actually expecting lower sales than forza 3
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Michael-5 posted 21/10/2011, 06:30
Sorry, I don't think Forza 5 will be around in 2 years to cut Forza 4's sales. Top Gear is huge. Also Forza 4 topped Forza 3 numbers with only 2 days to sell in week 1 where Forza 3 had a week. It only did 25% better week 1, but with the previously mentioned point, and the fact it's releasing earlier into the holidays, I expect sales to hold at about 50% better weekly.
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Michael-5 posted 21/10/2011, 06:28
yahoo, wow. Enough with the console wars, none of those games are even racing games. pezus - It likely won't double Forza 3's EMEAA sales, but I expect it to do 50% better. I don't think Forza 4 will be around in 2 years to cuts sales, and I think this game will have longer legs then Forza 3. I think sales may even pick up a bit when Top Gear comes back on air.
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The_Joker_Product posted 21/10/2011, 05:12
Yahoo sures like to have attention.
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hallodx posted 21/10/2011, 03:11
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Iveyboi posted 21/10/2011, 02:11
Yahoo: You are a pathetic troll. I have seen you everywhere. Face it son = this game sold below expectations.
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yahoocom1984 posted 21/10/2011, 01:35
This is not flop, you want to hear a flop? Resistance 3, socom 4, motorstorm....Ok?
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yahoocom1984 posted 21/10/2011, 01:35
This is not flop, you want to hear a flop? Resistance 3, socom 4, motorstorm....Ok?
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yahoocom1984 posted 21/10/2011, 01:35
This is not flop, you want to hear a flop? Resistance 3, socom 4, motorstorm....Ok?
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Michael-5 posted 21/10/2011, 12:36
How is this a flop? It's selling on par with Forza 3 in NA, and it managed about 25-30% stronger week one sales in EMEAA with only a couple days week 1 where Forza 3 had a week. Forza 4 could double EMEAA's numbers from Forza 3, and that's excellent. Hope it break 5 million like Forza 3, but without bundles.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 21/10/2011, 11:10
Microsoft's bundling strategy isn't working to expand the fanbase. Still the same ~500k people that bought Forza 3 first week.
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Chris Hu posted 21/10/2011, 06:12
@thelastsoldier how can you say it flopped when we only have week 1 numbers from NA so far. That's not enough numbers to call it a flop. So far its slightly ahead of FM3.
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rpgmaniac posted 20/10/2011, 05:20
@jacks81x it didnt sell so well because if some1 have both PS3 & 360 he will ofc buy GT5 no brain simple? :)
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thelastsoldier posted 20/10/2011, 02:41
everone has a holiay excuse, Nintendo 3DS, Resistance 3, now this crap Forza 4....SMH...whats done is done
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thelastsoldier posted 20/10/2011, 02:35
everyone has a holiday excuse, 3DS, Resistance 3, now this FLOP whats done is done
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Kizmi posted 19/10/2011, 02:30
Let's complain about sales AFTER holiday if there is something to complain about.
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Chris Hu posted 19/10/2011, 07:03
Only slightly better then FM3 did in its first week in NA. I'm hoping it does better in Europe and it should because the Top Gear contend was mainly added for the European market since the show is more popular over their. Not to mention that the UK version of Top Gear is a lot better show then the US version. Nobody on the US version comes close to having as much automotive knowledge as Jeremy Clarkson.
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jacks81x posted 19/10/2011, 12:14
How does this game not sell at least 500K in the first week?!?
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blue7x7 posted 18/10/2011, 11:28
These are not bad sales pslee it's doing better than forza 3 which in my opinion is what is important a sequel should always do better than it's predecessor forza games have never been front loaded in the sales department they sale a lot in the long term they usually have good legs look at Forza 3 I remember people calling it flopza 3 when it came out because it sold so little and now look at it almost 5 million so I'm sure this will be fine. It actually did better than I thought for whatever reason I thought it was going to do worse seeing how low the pre order were.
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pslee posted 18/10/2011, 09:43
about the same first week sale as F3.
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pslee posted 18/10/2011, 09:42
really bad sale in NA
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Solid-Stark posted 18/10/2011, 06:10
Come on guys, don't troll the score.
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osamanobama posted 18/10/2011, 05:59
lol... at kowenicki... paranoid overly defensive as usual
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osamanobama posted 18/10/2011, 05:58
i didnt realize, that 8.2 is a low score
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Iveyboi posted 18/10/2011, 05:43
8.2 vs the metacritic which is likely around 90%-91%. That is why. This game jsut does not generate sales; I know GT has the brand recognition but I thought this outting would have higher non-bundled sales for sure in America & EMEAA
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jerry135 posted 17/10/2011, 06:28
This game is not so impressive, huge let down for no weather change
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Mordred11 posted 16/10/2011, 09:03
so 8.2 is now a bad score?
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Michael-5 posted 16/10/2011, 12:51
User Score 8.2? There is some serious hate on VGC towards 360 exclusives.
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SecondWar posted 14/10/2011, 07:46
Thought this was brilliant. First proper race of the game, given a choice of city cars that included my actual car. Gave it something extra special.
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TrevDaRev posted 14/10/2011, 02:35
What is the Top Gear content like?
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yo_john117 posted 13/10/2011, 08:12
LOL at the people adding the game just to give it a lower score. Anyone who does that is pathetic and insecure.
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gtcarro posted 12/10/2011, 05:17
Its a shame that a 2011 racing game doesent have weather transitions or day-night cycles!
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Michael-5 posted 12/10/2011, 05:11
Best racing sim I have ever played. Too bad about Porsche
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yo_john117 posted 10/10/2011, 10:19
Bring it on!
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yo_john117 posted 01/10/2011, 05:30
Amazing amount of awesome cars in this game.
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MonstaMack posted 20/09/2011, 07:58
Hope this does 5+ million even bundled, would love to see the series sell better with each entry.
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Raydley posted 23/08/2011, 08:48
Yes, but I ordered LCE and I'm happy ;) Cover is also great with BMW in Autovista mode.
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Michael-5 posted 02/06/2011, 07:44
Ferrarri 458 Italia cover - Awesome, angle terrible. They should have taken a rear 3-quarter veiw as the car looks much better from behind.
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 1   2   3   4 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (321)

1 22,452 200,080 229,184 64,143 515,859
2 3,289 68,242 135,216 30,402 237,149
3 1,231 34,042 61,074 19,750 116,097
4 805 26,640 44,839 14,744 87,028
5 589 17,598 38,458 11,871 68,516
6 504 13,553 34,287 10,316 58,660
7 443 24,549 38,902 13,082 76,976
8 395 25,685 54,870 17,096 98,046
9 501 30,764 80,179 23,932 135,376
10 733 42,179 88,564 27,572 159,048
darkenergy posted 28/11/2017, 11:48
Forza Horizon 3 will likely pass lifetime sales of Forza Motorsport 4 in Europe by the end 2017, if not then before Forza Horizon 4 releases.
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Chris Hu posted 26/03/2014, 08:58
Got all the achievement for this game now the Porsche DLC ones where super easy to unlock.
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sales2099 posted 30/07/2013, 08:39
4 million :)
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sales2099 posted 09/01/2013, 02:34
The point was not to seperate the two just because one sold more then the other before bundles. Forza 4 sold 2.5 b4 bundles and thats amazing.
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sub-zero-TM posted 09/01/2013, 01:39
@ lol first of all nobody asked you anything and why are you so bitter about what i said? uc3's massive bundling has only started recently and the game was already at 5m or above before the bundling the uc franchise is undertracked a lot here, so my point was that the uncharted games sold a lot before the heavy bundling started but i'm happy how they pushed the sales a lot this holiday so yeah

Thank god for bundles!!!
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