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Universal version iPhone/iPod/iPad

Le jeu des 10000 (Game of 10000) is a very popular game of dices which exists under several forms. This version uses 6 dices and certain criteria can be to adjust to answer the various rules which exist in part the world.

Rules of the game:
The purpose of game is to attain 10000 points.
1 are worth 100 points, 5 are worth 50 points and brelans (3 identical dices) is 100 times worth the value of the dice, except for the brelans of 1 which are worth 1000 points.
If you acquire suite 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 all at once, you acquire %d points.

How to play:
To play, throw the 6 dices. Put aside the dices which bring back points in the upper zone of the carpet. You are not made to take all dices which are worth points, but you must take one at least. Then you have the choice enter validate the acquired points or restart the remaining dices. If you restart and that you do not acquire any point, you lose points acquired during thrown precedents.
If you put all dices of quoting, you restart them by holding concurrently points.

Various options are proposed to alter the rules of games.
- Minimal first score: you can give a score minimum to achieve before being able to come back into game.
- Suite 1,2,3,4,5,6: change the number of points acquired during a suite.
- End at exactly 10000: to win, it will be necessary to attain exactly 10000 points, you will not be able to validate score if you exceed 10000.

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